The UPND, in spite of having been very vocal and relentless in attacking the PF when the UPND was in opposition, seem to be rather rudderless, committing political blunder after blunder.
By Chishala Kateka | NHP President.
Lusaka – Before coming to power, it seemed apparent to most Zambians that the UPND, once in Government, would score very highly with regard to the governance of the nation. Indeed, even their President, upon being announced as winner, declared that they would raise the bar (over the PF’s performance) as they manage the economy.
What we have seen, however, has been rather baffling. The UPND, in spite of having been very vocal and relentless in attacking the PF when the UPND was in opposition, seem to be rather rudderless, committing political blunder after blunder.
Also Read: They are failing and falling – but here is how we can succeed!
Take the issue of agriculture and mealie meal. Firstly, they make a hash of things and bumble their way through the provision of agricultural inputs – not forgetting the single sourcing of fertilizer suppliers, who then fail to meet the set deadline.
They export maize held by the Food Reserve Agency and categorically declare, in Parliament, that they will not stop exporting the same due to the fact that Zambia is food secure.
The price of mealie meal starts to escalate. They try to negate this by getting Zambia National Service to mill some mealie meal – forgetting that such a move is not only unstainable but is also harmful to the private sector.
▪️ Export of maize is then banned.
Reports of a shortage of maize meal in most parts of the country ensue and further escalation of the commodity price is blamed on smuggling to neighbouring countries.
As a response to all of the above, the UPND, in their infinite wisdom, decide that in order to address the maize meal shortage, Zambia must import mealie meal – not maize – but mealie meal (missing an opportunity to provide work for our millers). This announcement was made by the Minister of Agriculture.
Zambians raise a hue and cry over the decision and call for the firing or at the very least, the reshuffling of the Minister. A week later, the Permanent Secretary in the same Ministry attempts to ‘clarify’ the announcement and explains that the mealie meal allowed to be imported is for export to neighbouring countries only.
Meanwhile on the very same day, Thabo Kawana assures the nation that “the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) mealie meal to be imported from South Africa is not dangerous to human health and that Zambians have no cause to worry because the shortage of mealie meal problem shall be resolved in the shortest time possible.”
The usual confusion (which we have now learned to live with) as to the position of Government in the matter, is apparent. The Minister says one thing, the PS another and Thabo Kawana creating even more confusion. But that is not our major concern.
▪️ Our concerns are as follows:
I) We, the Zambians, have gone back to the Kaunda days of lining up for mealie meal and only being allowed one (1) bag per person.
II) The Statements by the PS, Mr. Green Mbozi and Mr. Thabo Kawana are a clear contradiction to each other. Since both are representing Government, we can only conclude that there is an attempt, as usual, to hoodwink Zambians.
III) If Mr. Kawana’s statement is the position of Government, we are left wondering why he is assuring the nation that the GMO maize to be imported from South Africa is not dangerous to human health as “the mealie meal problem will be resolved in the shorted time possible”.
That is saying that it is okay to eat this unsafe food because you will only consume it for a short period of time!
A study conducted in France by a Professor Seralini and team, found that GMO maize poses a threat to consumers. The study showed that GMO foods caused cancer and had serious impacts on liver and kidney functioning.
What scientific evidence does Mr. Kawana base his assurance on?
The UPND Government is not only leading us into a period of food insecurity, it is risking our very lives by creating a situation where we are being forced to eat GMO maize imported from South Africa, and has also compromised the gains we made in the growing of maize not to mention the financial wellbeing of the many small scale farmers that have been affected by the UPND’s fumbling in the agricultural sector.
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