This signifies the new dawn administration’s strong resolve to achieve energy sufficiency for the domestic economy and energy surplus for export for enhanced foreign currency earnings.
By Eng. Peter C. Kapala | Energy Minister.
Lusaka – On 3rd April this year, ZESCO signed a Power-Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Integrated Clean Energy Power Company Ltd (CiEG) of China to produce 2,400 Megawatts of renewable energy estimated at US$3.5bn.
The pledged US$3.5bn investment will be rolled out in phases of 600-800MW over a 3-year period in 4 provinces beginning this year with 300MW in Southern Province and 300MW in Central Province.
The pledged investment comes at the back of the earlier investment of US$2.5bn in 2,000MW (2Giga-Watts) of energy by MASDAR from the United Arab Emirates.
This signifies the New Dawn Government’s strong resolve to achieve energy sufficiency for the domestic economy and energy surplus to enable increased exports as part of promoting export diversification and enhanced foreign currency earnings.
Also Read: Oil pipeline from Mozambique on the cards.
This sizable Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Zambia from China is a testament of the reset and enhanced relations between the two countries for mutual benefit, which dates back to the two founding fathers; Chairman Mao and Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.
CiEG is an Investment Development and Mergers and Acquisitions of international projects arm for China Huadian Corporation. China Huadian Corporation is a global energy company and a Chinese state-owned enterprise. It is the 3rd largest electricity power producer in the world and is listed on Fortune 500.
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