▪️ Last week, the tech billionaire offered a million Dogecoin (almost $93,000) to anyone who could prove the existence of the mine
▪️ His father, however, has said that the emerald business was near the Lake Tanganyika region of Zambia.
Lusaka, April 20 [The US Sun] – Elon Musk’s dad, Errol, claims he bankrolled his billionaire son’s escape from South Africa to America with emeralds from an “under the table” mine in Zambia.
His son has previously slammed the claim, saying: “The fake emerald mine thing is so annoying. Like where exactly is this thing anyway!?”
But in an exclusive interview with The U.S. Sun, Errol claimed it was his emerald venture which helped pave the way for Elon to become a wildly successful captain of industry in the U.S.
Describing the moment he heard of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency reward, Errol joked:
“When I read that, I wondered, ‘Can I enter, because I can prove it existed.’ Elon knows it’s true. All the kids know about it. My daughter has three or four emerald pendants. Elon saw them (the emeralds) at our house. He knew I was selling them.”
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To prove his point, Errol provided pics of some of the bright green precious gemstones, which he says came from the mine.
He explained that it is in the Lake Tanganyika region of Zambia, the second biggest emerald-producing country in the world after Colombia.
But Errol admits it was far from being a conventional mining setup, and that might explain why Elon is so sure no one can prove its existence.
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