The UPND government exported the surplus maize it inherited from the PF regime, resulting in a critical shortage of mealie meal in most parts of the country.
The desire to form government must never overshadow the purpose of politics, finding practical solutions to our various social economic development challenges.
By Mpandashalo Mwewa | WD – Editor In Chief.
Lusaka – The New Heritage Party president, Ms. Chishala Kateka, has shared an intriguing political analysis in her Press Statement entitled “Zambia is in a crisis as Zambians become the main opposition to the UPND”. She writes:
“Some may not see this, while others though seeing it, are hoping against hope that this is not so and that all the issues being currently faced, will blow over. As some hold this hope, however, the country is rapidly sinking deeper into problems.
The crises being faced are economic, leadership and political in nature. It is, therefore, imperative that we implement a national program of action along three main thematic areas:
▪️ Creation of a locus of national unity that is not superficial.
▪️ Restoration – we need to restore the ‘Soul’ of the nation.
▪️ Setting the Development Agenda.
The above approach will clearly transcend the political and regional divide and will be embraced by those Zambians that are forward looking and are tired of the mediocrity that we have allowed ourselves to sink and wallow in and which has held us back as a people.”
Also Read: Zambia is in a crisis – Chishala Kateka.
The most important lesson the UPND has taught Zambians is that, the desire to form government must never overshadow the purpose of politics, which is to find practical solutions to our various social economic development challenges.
When you fix your eyes solely on power, you end up like the UPND which was in opposition for 20 years without a practical alternative development agenda to any of those by the previous regimes. Instead of implementing its pre-election campaign promises, it’s busy fixing problems it has created due to high levels of incompetence.
Also Read: UPND and its baffling performance! – Chishala Kateka.
If politics is to serve humanity, it should promote democracy and in my view democracy is under threat under the Western plural politics model because in Africa, it tends to prioritize the political ambitions of a few puppets over the voices of the majority ordinary citizens.
Even Members of Parliament listen more to their party leaders than they do to their constituents. How is that democracy? What is democracy to start with? Does it mean plural politics defined by elections?
Democracy is not, by definition, government by the winners. It is, however, about allowing a diversity of voices to be heard not only those of the Executive. It is all about having an equal say, an equal right to determine what political action is taken in the interest of all.
The western idea of the necessity of “multiparty elections” for other nations is an oligarchic myth. It leads people to believe they have a choice in the political decisions being made and thereby maintains the political status quo.
Consequently, in order to keep democracy alive, we have to learn that democracy cannot be reduced to voting alone. What we need are sensible forms of citizens’ participation.
Until we come to a complete understanding that multiparty democracy in Africa was not introduced to promote good governance, we shall continue investing our meagre resources in changing presidents at the expense of economic development for our majority poor people.
Does it make sense to spend K5m on a by-election in a Constituency without clean drinking water? What do people need more between representation in government and access to primary health care?
The current political system is nothing but a tool by our former colonial masters to put Africa in check. It has since lead to inefficient governments, endless power transitions and social chaos.
It’s for this reason that I say, democracy as the possibility of the people making collective decisions for their common good is something that cannot be taught or imposed by the West.
Understanding the interests of the West in Zambia is what intelligent Zambians must always preoccupy their minds with. What is so special about Zambia to a US government that Libya, Iraq or Haiti did not possess?
What we need is a new home bred governance system that must prioritize development over politics of patronage. Let’s seriously reflect on President Chishala Kateka’s Press Statement. It is, indeed, imperative that we implement a national program of action along the three main thematic areas she has highlighted:
▪️ Creation of a locus of national unity that is not superficial. Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s Choma Declaration created a united Zambia we were once proud of.
▪️ Restoration – we need to restore the ‘Soul’ of the nation. Let’s preach and live patriotism. Zambia can only be developed by Zambians.
▪️ Setting the Development Agenda. Politics should not be a self preservation tool but a vehicle for development.
Equally, Zambia is underdeveloped because we think every politician is a leader. But what is leadership in the context of a Head of State?
It’s the ability to identify and put those with the necessary technical know-how and ability in key positions needing such expertise, not political cadres or tribesmen and women.
What leadership has President Hichilema provided in the health and agriculture sectors, two key life saving sectors?
There’s an urgent need to turn our focus to identifying individuals with strong leadership qualities in their fields and put them in appropriate political positions to support a clearly defined national development agenda!
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