Mama Esther Lungu has expressed shock at the horde of police officers that have stormed her residence as early as 05.00hrs. She says she is not a fugitive and if the Zambia Police Service want her for matters of concern, they can issue a call-out and she will comply.
Lusaka, May 3 – Former President Edgar Lungu’s wife can be legally searched but it’s morally wrong. This exposes the petty mind that exists in President Hakainde Hichilema’s head.
Yes! Hakainde Hichilema is petty who suffers from a serious inferiority complex, giving us an explanation why he thinks white people are more superior than us, the indigenous black Zambians.
In a world where people question their actions, a person like Mr. Hichilema would never be Head of State. This is because in such a world, people would know that just because something isn’t a lie does not mean that it isn’t deceptive.
A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction. Isn’t the health sector on its knees after politics crucified on the imaginary cross of Honeybee the man who played a significant transformative role to the successes scored in the sector?
It’s at the backdrop of such national hypocrisy that I advocate for a new home bred governance system that must prioritize development over politics of patronage. In Charles Baudelaire’s book, “Paris Spleen”, there’s this phrase that I would recite as a student of French:
“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas.” In English, one would say, “The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.”
Politics of deception has taken the centre stage in Zambia but we are surprised that things are falling apart. Could it be that being a Christian nation we expect miracles at every stage, planting lemon seeds but expecting orange seedlings?
A man whose words are carpeted while his actions go to sleep is not a person to put in the highest office of the land. It’s the same as poisoning the source of a river but still expecting to have safe drinking water down stream.
Also Read: Why is State House still working with the rogue media houses, Koswe and Zambian Bulletin?
President Hakainde Hichilema has remained mute over the audio recording that exposed top UPND officials, Joseph Akafumba and Levy Ngoma, raping democracy, trying to arm-twist the, then, ECZ’s Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Nshindano, over the Democratic Party’s participation in the Kabwata by-election last year.
Instead of attending to the exposed scandal by firing the two snakes, Mr. Hichilema’s government chose to harass the whistleblower. Who does that?
Permanent Secretary, Akafumba and Presidential Aide for Politics, Ngoma, could be heard discussing how they were finding it difficult to convince the ECZ Chief Executive
Officer, Nshindano, to agree with them in executing their plot against the Harry Kalaba led Democratic Party.
In the course of their conversation, Levy Ngoma implicates President Hakahinde Hichilema and Vice President Mutale Nalumango whom he claimed had summoned him over the matter after the swearing in ceremony and he needed to report back to them.
Also Read: Suspected corruption quarantines essential drugs.
This certainly explains why the scandal died a natural death, leaving President Hakainde Hichilema to continue with his circus of being a democrat.
Also Read: Named senior Presidential Aide sponsoring factions.
President Hakainde Hichilema needs constant monitoring or this country will not know what hit it because the man’s words and his actions don’t match or he would be flying commercial today instead of using whatever is left in the purported empty coffers to buy jet fuel to go and orchestrate a standing ovation at the EU Parliament while mothers and their children die in shells of public health centres.
The youths are not upset that he lied to them prior to the 2021 general elections, they are upset that they have as their President a man they can’t believe. God help us!
If you are a patriot who shares our beliefs and principles that democracy and development must be driven by patriotic Zambians, remember to follow Woodpecker’s Digest where we share why we need a radical change of mindset to develop Zambia. We can’t continue being servants in our own country!
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