Nothing has changed about the Western world that colonised us but for some reason they have convinced us that they mean well by using our own weak leaders.
Lusaka, May 7 – The damaging, yet again, leaked telephone conversation involving the President, the North Western Province Minister and the FRA Board Chairman has left many wondering who President Hichilema is working for!
Also Watch: Socialist Party leader calls the new dawn government a puppet government.
In the recording, there is a part where he says, “You Africans are very difficult people to lead! But where else has he been President other than in Africa? Is he not African? Could this be why he favours whites over Africans?
To those who know very little about President Hakainde Hichilema’s inferiority complex, read on!
In a recent viral video, former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, admited that the inversion of Iraq was in bad faith. The video went on to show what would make you understand why President Hichilema is a liability in Zambia’s quest to remain a non aligned state that must preach peace and unity in the world.
His personal relationship with Greg Mills, the Brenthurst Foundation Director, with a very hostile attitude towards Russia, explained why Zambia, for the first time since independence, abandoned its non aligned foreign policy, voting against Russia over a proxy war in Ukraine.
But probably of great essence is the need for all patriotic Zambians to put into context the words of our freedom fighter, Hon. Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe;
“If we don’t handle our independence very well, colonizers will come back in form of investors.”
So what sort of relationship does President Hichilema have with the racist Oppenheimer family sponsored Brenthurst Foundation that would escape Hon. Kapwepwe’s premonition?
We must defend our land which our forebears, the freedom fighters, shed blood for to give us the political freedom we enjoy today. Let’s be patriots who defend the interests of Zambia and not those of our seasonal political parties.
Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, defined patriotism as standing by one’s country.
“It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official. It is patriotic to support him in as far as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else,” he emphasized.
Equally, President Hichilema’s recent decision on the establishment of the USA AfriCom Centre in Zambia has, indirectly, surrendered Zambia’s authority to decide on who commands our security to the United States in a very clear contravention of the Republican Constitution.
Nothing has changed about the Western world that colonised us but for some reason they have convinced us that they mean well by using our own weak leaders.
You may not like what we write but that will not change our attitude towards objective reporting based on critical thinking principles.
In case you have forgotten, when the Pentagon initially sought to locate the AfriCom Centre, Botswana and Liberia were reportedly eager to host it but the, then, South African President, Thabo Mbeki, mobilised the continent to oppose the move. He said it would constitute an unacceptable violation of Africa’s sovereignty.
So what has made Zambia to overturn the continental decision? Why did it have to be the USA announcing the deal and not our Head of State addressing the nation? Who is the Commander In Chief of our armed forces between the United States President and President Hichilema?
Those who know us understand that we rarely demand for freedom of speech but for the freedom of thought which we seldom use.
This is why we advocate for a new home bred governance system that must prioritize development over politics of patronage.
We might be poor, our clothes might be rugs, but our minds should always remain palaces.
The measure of intelligence is the ability to tolerate divergent views and the ability to change.
The decision by the the USA to be the captain of the world is a major security risk and President Hichilema’s decision to make the USA our ally is detrimental to our pursuit of economic development and peace.
Mpandashalo Evans Mwewa
WhatsApp: +260 771 469042
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