
2 thoughts on “UPND takes on Bishop Banda, calls him the Lucifer of Zambia

  1. Am a proud catholic and will not take this from you bally,calling our clergy lucifar will mark the end of you being a president,
    What has your so called free education done,160 pupils in one class,you call that free education ,were is the cdf,imf you are talking about,the unity you are saying was already there no wonder the country managed to remove edgar lung and replace ,,naimwe ma zambians manyezha nyezha nyadeketa etaya muto,mwautaya lelo,njala is everywhere and someone is boosting of cdf,imf what has that done to us ,,kutumpa oko

  2. I am at a loss from the comments against PF during their tenure of Office. The crimes mentioned are so evil. Why has the current government not arrested them? How could they have done such atrocities and each one of them is still enjoying? No ways. Let us be objective and truthful. We cannot lay down these charges on PF. They are not guilty of any of them. Stop demonising PF. They are not guilty. If they were they should have been arrested. PF should never be a scapegoat for UPND’s failure. You are in power and PF is not interfering. DO YOUR WORK. NO ONE WILL STOP YOU. ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE. SHINE ON. LEAVE PF ALONE.

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