“We need a new political movement that embraces love, unity, and the basic concept of a democratic dispensation where free expression is not an endangered species!”
By Dr. Mwelwa.
Once upon a time, in the land of Zambia, a nation renowned for its vibrant democracy and cultural heritage, a dark cloud loomed over the right to freedom of expression. It seems that arbitrary arrests have become the latest fashion, targeting those brave enough to challenge the powers that be. The recent arrest of Emmanuel Mwamba, a prominent journalist and diplomat, has further exposed a climate of fear and uncertainty. It is high time we shed light on this injustice and call for a fresh start that embraces love, unity, and a new democratic dispensation.
Also Read: We’re drifting back to dark days – Dr. M’membe.
◾A Comedy of errors – arrests for sharing thoughts….
In a country that claims to value democratic principles, it is both comical and heartbreaking to witness the erosion of freedom of speech. Journalists, activists, and even mere individuals who dare to voice dissenting opinions find themselves at risk of isolation, abduction, or the privilege of arbitrary arrests. Yes, arbitrary arrests have become the new form of applause for those in power, creating an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship that would make any comedian green with envy.
Also Read: HH’s “joker” comment against a Catholic priest backfires!
◾The PF comedy show – no room for divergent views…
Enter the ruling party, the Patriotic Front (PF), with their unparalleled talent for comedy. Oh, how they despise divergent views! Anyone who dares to question their authority is treated to the finest spectacle of marginalization, shunning, and getting funny nicknames. Can’t they see the humor in challenging the status quo and speaking the truth? Apparently not. The PF’s resistance to dissent only reveals their flair for regressive comedy, stifling the open exchange of ideas and undermining the very essence of democracy.
Also Read: Mwebantu – Police arrest Zambia Reports editor for criminal libel.
◾UPND comedy central – challenging the challengeable…
In a twist of fate, the United Party for National Development (UPND) took the stage, promising a new act full of hope and change. Alas, it seems like they got their comedy materials from the PF’s dumpster. The UPND, now in power, is proving to be just as intolerant of challenging truths as the previous administration. Rather than responding to critics with wit and grace, they resort to the tried-and-tested approach of suppressing opposition voices through arrests and intimidation. It’s like watching a repeat episode of a bad sitcom; you can’t help but wonder if they’ll ever learn.
Also Read: Arrogance coupled with crass ignorance.
◾A stand-up for change…
In the face of this tragic comedy and the erosion of democratic values, Zambia desperately needs a fresh start. We need a new political movement that embraces love, unity, and the basic concept of a democratic dispensation where free expression is not an endangered species. It’s time to protect human rights, including the right to speak your mind without fearing a trip to the comedy club of arbitrary arrests. Let’s bring forth a brighter future, where every voice is heard, concerns are addressed, and justice takes the spotlight.
Also Read: A look at Kateka’s article: Zambia in a crisis.
The widespread and arbitrary arrests in Zambia have turned the comedy of democracy into a tragic farce. It’s high time for change, where oppressive punchlines are replaced with genuine respect for fundamental human rights. Let’s put an end to this comedy show of fear and division and usher in a new era of justice, transparency, and freedom of expression. Together, we can create a Zambia that values every voice, where unity and laughter prevail over arbitrary power plays.
About The Author: Dr. Lawrence Mwelwa is a respected academician, a former Vice Chancellor, a politician and revolutionary writer.
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