The people of Albany say the Albany Bread Girl is troublesome, but today she is the breadwinner for the family at a tender age. Get encouraged, read on!
Lusaka, July 15 – A three year old Lethukhanya Mjaji became famous overnight after her pictures holding a White Albany Bread while playing in mud water went viral on social media. The child hails from Albany, South Africa.
The uncle of the child, Lungisani Mjaji, saw her randomly playing in the mud while holding the bread in her hands and clicked her. He immediately posted the videos and pictures of the girl on social media, following which the bread company saw and used it on their billboards and trucks.
The Albany bread company said that using the girl’s picture has increased their sales, due to which they decided to pay the little girl back.
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The people of Albany say she is troublesome, but today she is the breadwinner for the family at a tender age. The internet is going mad over the young sensation and is praising the young photographer for his exceptional work.
A user named ‘The Instigator’ wrote, “I hope this doesn’t open doors only for her but also for you as the photographer who captured that moment… I hope you both win.”
“I’m actually happy for her, very happy. She deserves the world. That smile is everything – a heartwarming story. I find myself praying for her. It’s just unbelievable. I’m happy. Only God knows how happy I am right now,” wrote another Twitter user.
The photographer is a commercial photography student from Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa. He shared the untold story behind his viral photograph through his Twitter account and said, “The image is part of my project called ‘My Footprint’, aiming to capture the beauty of South Africa’s rural landscapes.”
While introducing his niece on his Twitter account, the photographer said, “Introducing Lethukukhanya Mjaji, my niece, Miss Albany, a 3 year old student at Siphephile Creche.”
Despite her tender age, Lethukukhanya is exceptionally intelligent. At just 1 year old, she demonstrated an impressive ability to identify and name the months of the year, added Lungisani Mjaji.
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Notably, the bread company used the phrase “Feel the freshness with Albany Bakeries,” along with the picture of the three year old kid on their billboards and trucks.
The girl’s family is delighted with the success she has received through the power of social media and also feels grateful to the bread company who came forward and made their daughter a star. They also thanked her uncle for clicking her pictures and making her internet fame.
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Putting news into perspective
Wow! Wonderful.
Wow! What a heart warming smile story.
What a heart warming smile story.