Bananas aren't just a delicious and convenient snack - they also come with a lot of health benefits. File Photo: Mununshi Fruit Company Limited (MFCL).
The health benefits of nutrients present in bananas make them a “superfood” that should be an integral part of your healthy daily regimen.
By Dr. Chitalu Chilufya | WD Columnist.
Lusaka, July 17 – Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world and for a good reason. Eating them could help lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of cancer and asthma, among several other health benefits.
Listed below, are the most important health benefits associated with bananas that I would like you to pay attention to:
▪ Superfood: Forget apples. A banana a day does keep the doctor away. The health benefits of bananad far outweigh those of apples. Bananas have twice as many carbohydrates, 5 times as much vitamin A and iron, and 3 times as much phosphorus as apples. Bananas are also rich in potassium, fiber and natural sugars.
The vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese and other vitamins and minerals bananas contain help to maintain overall good health. And because the fruit’s sugar content is balanced with fiber, it helps maintain a healthy blood glucose level. Even people with diabetes can enjoy a banana, according to the American Diabetes Association.
The vitamin B6 in bananas is easily absorbed by your body. Vitamin B6 helps your body to produce red blood cells, metabolise carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy, metabolise amino acids, remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys, and maintain a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B6 is also good for pregnant women as it helps meet their baby’s development needs.
The potassium in bananas helps your body maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure. In addition, bananas are low in sodium. The low sodium and high potassium combination helps to control high blood pressure. Manganese helps your body make collagen and protects your skin and other cells against free radical damage.
This wealth of nutrients makes bananas a “superfood” that should be an integral part of your healthy daily regimen. Do not bypass those K2.50 bananas by the roadside.
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▪️ Better Heart Health: Because they are rich in potassium, bananas help the body’s circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. This also helps the body maintain a regular heartbeat, lower blood pressure and a proper balance of water in the body, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Potassium-rich foods are also known to reduce the risk of strokes in older women, according to a 2014 study in the American Heart Association journal, Stroke.
▪️ Energy Booster: Bananas are a better source of energy than expensive sports drinks, according to a 2012 study at Appalachian State University, in the USA. Two bananas provide enough calories for an 1-1/2 hour workout or walk.
Bananas also are an ideal pick-me-up. When you feel tired and sluggish in the afternoon don’t go for coffee or a sugary snack. Grab a banana instead. Your energy level will last longer, and you won’t suffer the dramatic crash caused by caffeine or cake.
▪️ Fight Morning Sickness: Because of the calming properties associated with vitamin B6, bananas are often eaten by pregnant women to combat early-pregnancy morning sickness.
▪️ Hangover Remedy: The natural ingredients in bananas and their ability to replenish the body’s vitamins make them an ideal way to reduce the effects of a hangover.
Put a couple bananas in the blender with some plain yogurt and add some honey to sweeten the taste. The fruit tends to calm the stomach and the honey helps to restore the blood sugar levels to normal.
▪️ Natural Laxative: Eat bananas, and you might say goodbye to constipation. Well-ripened bananas have a type of fiber that helps to restore and maintain regular bowel functions. They are a natural source for improving the movement of waste through the bowels, according to a 2014 Chinese study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.
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▪️ Banish PMS Pain: Don’t take pills to reduce your menstrual pains. Try bananas instead. Bananas have plenty of vitamin B6. Some studies suggest that B6 may reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS).
▪️ Soothe Ulcers: Bananas help to increase mucus in the digestive tract, which can help heal or even prevent stomach ulcers. They help reduce the irritation of the digestive system by leaving a protective coating around the inner walls, making it a natural way to promote intestinal health as well. And since they help to neutralize acidity, they’re also a great way to get rid of heartburn. They act as a natural antacid and quickly soothe the burn.
▪️ Put a Smile on Your Face: It’s not just the bright yellow colour and the smile shape of a banana that does the trick, bananas have a small amount of tryptophan, an amino acid that when combined with bananas’ natural vitamin B6, helps boost the production of serotonin, a “feel-good hormone.” This mood-regulating substance may help your mind and body relax so you feel happier.
Have a lovely week but remember to add a banana to your diet!!!
About The Author: Dr. Chilufya, a PF presidential candidate, is a public health physician, Mansa Central Member of Parliament and former Minister of Health who led a transformational agenda of the national health system, focused on creating a resilient health approach to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
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