Observe what you eat because deaths from Non communicable diseases (NCDs) are forecast to exceed mortality from infectious, maternal and child diseases even in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030.
By Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.
Lusaka, July 4 – Pineapples are a delicious and healthy tropical fruit that is extremely nutritious and packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and other beneficial plant compounds like enzymes that can help prevent inflammation and disease.
Pineapples have several plant compounds that are linked to several health benefits, like improved digestion, better immunity, and faster recovery from surgery.
Let’s, then, learn more about the health benefits of pineapples in detail. I have picked the top 6 impressive reasons you should eat pineapples regularly.
◾1. Extremely Nutritious.
Pineapples contain trace amounts of phosphorus, zinc, calcium, and vitamins A and K. The fruit is extremely rich in vitamin C and manganese which makes it highly suitable for immune health, iron absorption, and growth and development.
Manganese offers antioxidant properties and aids in growth and metabolism. It also prevents oxidation in your body protecting the body from inflammation and other chronic diseases. Other micronutrients present in pineapple include copper, thiamine, and vitamin B6.
◾2. Boosts Immunity and Reduces Inflammation.
Pineapples have been used in traditional medicines for centuries due to the presence of a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that help improve immunity and reduce inflammation. It has been proved that pineapples reduce the risk of both viral and bacterial infections.
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The bromelain present in the fruit can reduce markers of inflammation, strengthening the immune system even more.
◾3. Helps Fight Diseases.
Pineapples are loaded with antioxidants – molecules that help the body fight against oxidative stress caused by an abundance of free radicals, unstable molecules that cause cell damage resulting in chronic inflammation, weakened immune health, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Pineapples are rich in antioxidants called flavonoids and phenolic compounds that may have heart-protective effects.
◾4. Helps Improve Digestion.
Pineapples are often served alongside meaty dishes, especially in South America. This is because pineapples are good for digestion due to the presence of groups of digestive enzymes called bromelain that ease the digestion of meat. Bromelain acts as a protease that helps breaks down protein molecules into amino acids and small peptides. Bromelain helps break down tough meat protein for easy digestion and the fiber content also aids digestion.
◾5. Helps Prevent Certain Cancers.
Cancer is a chronic disease that is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and it is linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Certain compounds in pineapples including bromelain may reduce cancer risk by minimizing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.
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Furthermore, bromelain may stimulate the immune system to produce molecules that make white blood cells effective at suppressing cancer cell growth.
◾6. May Reduce the Symptoms of Arthritis.
The condition of arthritis affects more millions in Sub-Saharan Africa, and there are several types of arthritis and most of them involve joint aches. Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties may provide relief to joint pain. It also protects against the degradation of cartilage tissue and the inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.
Non communicable diseases (NCDs) are overtaking infectious diseases in terms of global mortality rates, and deaths from NCDs are forecast to exceed mortality from infectious, maternal and child diseases even in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030.
About The Author: Dr. Chilufya, a PF presidential candidate, is a public health physician, Mansa Central Member of Parliament and former Minister of Health who led a transformational agenda of the national health system, focused on creating a resilient health approach to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
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How about diabetes patients, can they want pineapple?