In this recorded video by 5FM, watch Counsel Makebi Zulu silence Hon. Mulambo Haimbe, the Justice Minister, on key governance issues!
Lusaka, July 26 – The host, Zachy Banda took a look at the proposed National Prosecution Authority Amendment Bill, the purported fight against corruption and the general status of the rule of law.
“We will try to stick to the topic of discussion. Let’s begin with you, Honourable Haimbe, by highlighting some of the milestones that the UPND administration has scored in terms of legal reforms as you clock two years in government,” Zachy opened the floor.
“Thank you very much, Zachy. I would like to say the proof of the pudding is in the eating. What are the milestones? There are a number of pieces of legislation that have been pending for a long time and have not seen the light of day. I’m going to restrict myself, of course, to the governance sector, if I may call it that,” the Minister of Justice started.
“And you’ll see, for example, the Children’s Code Act, which was one of the very first pieces of legislation, that we enacted after almost 11 years of it pending and not having been put into law. We have also attended to one of the key aspects of governance in terms of ensuring that we put a fetter to the power of the Executive to borrow anyhow. And that is through the Public Debt Management Act that was enacted and, of course, the borrowing plan that was put in place, thereby putting in motion what is required in terms of Constitutional imperatives that say that they should be oversight by Parliament before government can borrow. All of these things were but a pipe dream not too long ago and have been attended to!”
Also Read: UPND’s political strategy to weaken the strongest opposition.
“And, of course, just generally improving the democratic space in terms of the application of even the very old Public Order Act. You will see, for example, that every person who wants to enjoy their political and other liberties are able to do so without the unnecessary heavy hand of the authorities coming to prevent them from doing so. That clearly opens up the democratic space. Yes, the Public Gathering Bill is still in the process of enactment, but the fact that we have the political will as we speak now, even with the old piece of legislation to allow people their freedoms and liberties to go on radio, to go in the markets, to go in all these places where they previously could not…” he laboured.
Also Read: The elusive assets of President Hichilema.
We have the video, so don’t just hear about it, watch it here to listen to well researched responses by Counsel Makebi Zulu to fully appreciate our conclusion that Hon. Haimbe, the Justice Minister, is not the right man for that position.
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