“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye!” Matthew says on Dr. Mumba’s hypocrisy.
By Dr. Mwelwa | WD Columnist.
Lusaka, Aug. 28 – I have long held a deep respect for Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba, a prominent figure in the realms of televangelism, vice presidency, diplomacy, and opposition politics. It is with utmost respect and a sense of restraint that I feel compelled to address a matter that has garnered attention and discussion among various individuals.
However, in the world of politics, hypocrisy often runs rampant. People who claim to champion justice and ethics oftentimes turn a blind eye to transgressions occurring right in their own backyard. Dr. Nevers Mumba, a prominent figure in Zambian politics and also a pastor, is no exception to this trend.
Also Read: In celebration of Zimbabwe’s resilience and exposing double standards.
Recently, Dr. Mumba was appointed to head an observer mission and he took it upon himself to be a vocal critic of the Zimbabwean government and their handling of the elections.
He has highlighted what he sees as glaring shortcomings and violations of citizens’ rights. However, his supposed commitment to fairness and democratic values must be called into question when we examine the situation in his own country, Zambia.
During the Kabushi and Kwacha by-elections, the Zambian people bore witness to a flagrant disregard for electoral laws and the constitution. Opposition leaders and their supporters were met with hostility and suppression, as the ruling powers sought to quash any dissenting voices.
Rather than condemning these blatant violations, Dr. Mumba remained eerily silent, seemingly unconcerned about the erosion of democratic values in his own backyard.
The images of peaceful citizens, bewildered and helpless, being forcefully silenced by the authorities are etched into the minds of many Zambians. The arrests and harassment of opposition leaders became routine, as those in power sought to tighten their grip on the democratic process. Yet, Dr. Mumba, a supposed leader and advocate for justice, turned a blind eye to these injustices, instead opting to focus his criticisms solely on Zimbabwe.
While Dr. Mumba is quick to condemn the actions of the Zimbabwean government, he conveniently overlooks the violations of citizens’ rights perpetrated by the Zambian authorities.
During the very same period in which he is making these statements, the police in Zambia are actively suppressing the freedom of assembly for opposition parties. The police denied a permit for the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) party to hold a mass rally, citing a lack of manpower. However, when the PF decides to defy this decision, magically the Zingalume Grounds are suddenly filled with a large force of police, complete with warlike trucks, combat attire, and guns. This shows a clear attempt to disrupt a rally of law-abiding citizens who simply wish to exercise their democratic rights.
One cannot help but question Dr. Mumba’s motives and credibility. His biased alliance with Nelson Chamisa and Western sponsorship only serves to cast doubt on the sincerity and impartiality of his observations. It seems that his desire for recognition and financial gain may outweigh his commitment to principles of fairness and democratic values.
Furthermore, it is not just his silence on the violation of citizens’ rights in his own country that raises concerns. Dr. Mumba’s selective condemnation of the Zimbabwean government while conveniently ignoring similar offenses occurring in Zambia reveals a hypocritical attitude.
The arrests of Zambian opposition leaders have become a common occurrence, with each passing day adding to their numbers. And yet, Dr. Mumba watches with a smile as he dines with President Hakainde Hichilema, seemingly unaffected by the blatant disregard for democracy happening right in front of him.
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It is essential for Dr. Mumba to address these double standards if he wishes to be taken seriously as a statesman. His credibility is at stake, and until he demonstrates a true commitment to upholding the principles he claims to stand for, his critiques of the Zimbabwean elections must be seen as lacking credibility and filled with hypocrisy.
In the words of Jesus, “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye” (Matthew 7:3-5). It is time for Dr. Mumba to heed these words and reflect on his actions before making statements that ring hollow in the face of his own double standards.
About The Author: Dr. Lawrence Mwelwa is a respected academician, a former Vice Chancellor, a politician and revolutionary writer.
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