Instead of declaring interest, President Hichilema who funded Chamisa’s campaign, appointed Dr. Mumba as head of the SADC Observer Mission.
Lusaka, Aug. 31 – The Commonwealth Election Observer Mission has bid farewell to President Mnangagwa, where they reaffirmed their endorsement of the just-ended harmonised elections saying they were done in a professional manner.
Head of Mission, Ambassador Amina Mohamed, said they were encouraged by the professionalism and efficiency in which the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission handled the polls.
Her statement is in stark contrast to the preliminary one issued by the Head of the SADC Electoral Observer Mission, Dr. Nevers Mumba, which criticised a Zimbabwe’s legislative framework drawing great condemnation for Dr. Mumba’s lack of professionalism as the statement had gone way beyond the mission’s mandate.
Also Read: Mumba’s behaviour unheard of, says Chissano.
In results announced on Saturday night, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Chairperson, Justice Priscilla Chigumba, declared President Mnangagwa, who was ZANU PF presidential candidate as winner beating his closest rival, Mr. Nelson Chamisa, of the Citizen Coalition for Change.
Briefing journalists soon after meeting President Mnangagwa at State House on Tuesday afternoon, Amb Mohamed said they were going back to compile a final report of their observation work.
“We were encouraged by the environment that allowed election to go ahead in a peaceful manner. We were impressed by the manner the people of Zimbabwe went out to vote and also by the professionalism and efficiency, commitment of polling officers,” she said.
It’s alleged that President Hachilema extended financial aid totaling US$400,000 to Mr. Nelson Chamisa with the ostensible objective of opposing the interests of Zimbabwe.
Instead of declaring interest, Mr. Hichilema, who would only be Chairperson of the SADC Troika on the 17th of August 2023, appointed Dr. Nevers Mumba as head of the SADC Observer Mission on the 14th August 2023. The dishonesty exhibited by the duo undermined established SADC Standards and Guidelines for Election Observation, something President Hichilema knows too well but won’t care about.
Also Read: HH destroys the respect Dr. Kaunda earned Zambia in less than two years!
Dr. Mumba needlessly grappled with issues which were way beyond his purview. The proposed legislations, or even bills, that he sought to address, were entirely unrelated to his mandate, hinting at preconceived notions not sought by the concerned parties.
In his usual treacherous manner of doing politics, President Hichilema presented Dr. Mumba as former Vice President to give him the value and honour he does not deserve when he knows that he was fired from the position by President Levy Mwanawasa. But the entire clandestine agenda by the duo can be summerised by President Mwanawasa’s statement about President Hichilema.
“The problem Mr. Hichilema has is the fact that he wants to cheat, to mislead, to show that he is what he is not. His understanding of politics is that it doesn’t matter; you can cheat, provided you get your goals!”
Also Read: Hichilema is not what he says he is, He is what he hides.
In a world where vows are worthless, where making a pledge means nothing, where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words of a statesman come back into State House.
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Putting news into perspective
Nevers Mumba is a danger to this country and Africa as a whole. Therefore he should not be allowed to represent our country in anyway.
Let him go back to the pulpit
Its our PF members who are criticizing Nevers for the noble work he did.we know them.
He is not a danger. It’s you who are puppets of dictators in Africa.
So true my guy.. puppets of the dictators
The love for money will always lead Nevers Mumba into serious problems .
There is nothing to admire from mr Mumba.