Can Zambia regain its status as a non-aligned Pan African state when Hichilema leaves office? The decision we make in 2026 may help!
Lusaka, Aug. 29 – The leaders of Tanzania, Namibia and South Africa have congratulated President Mnangagwa on his re-election. But Mr. Hakainde Hichilema is yet to do so because the candidate he reportedly supported lost the election. Is he fit emotionally to represent Zambia in the SADC region bearing in mind how Zambia has been known to be a peace maker?
Also Read: Hichilema erases Zambia’s non-aligned foreign policy image!
The man he unilaterally chose, Mr. Nevers Mumba, to represent him in Zimbabwe’s election released a discredited and biased preliminary report that is likely to be thrown out at the next SADC meeting because both Mr. Hichilema and Mr. Mumba could not declare interest.
But a topic of great interest is why President Hichilema has given so much power to the racist Oppenheimer family through the Brenthurst Foundation. Is Zambia back to its colonial days as predicted by the late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe?
“If we don’t handle our independence very well, colonizers will come back in form of investors.”
Immediately Hichilema took over the presidency, he became the first Head of State in the region to allow the establishment of the US military station referred to as the AFRICOM Centre against the overall wishes of the SADC member states. In 2026, let’s use our votes to revert Zambia to a non-aligned Pan African state, close the US AFRICOM Centre and apply to be a member of the BRICS.
There’s more to Mr. Hichilema’s activities with the Brenthurst Foundation and as Africans we must learn from how China ignored the rights of those who took part in the Tiananmen Square Protests for the greater good of all in China. Where would China be today had it not crashed the few paid up protesters representing the interests of the West? Mr. Hichilema is serving the interests of his Masters against the objectives of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia.
The SADC he has managed to divide was not formed for the Brenthurst Foundation to look for puppet leadership like him and Dr. Mumba to take over the political leadership of the SADC region and in turn its mineral wealth.
Also Read: The dark side of the US coercive diplomacy.
Dr. Mumba had the authority to guide the Observer Mission to keep quiet on internal political issues and stick to its mandate but there was another agenda that the Brenthurst Foundation achieved in Zambia but which woke up the people of Kenya, to plant puppet Presidents across the region.
I never thought I would live to witness Zambia having a Head of State would be despised the region we liberated. Zambia lost so much blood and resources to attain political independence in the region to lose all that in less than two years!
In a world where vows are worthless, where making a pledge means nothing, where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words of a statesman come back into State House.
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Let pf hold a convention so that pf members can choose a party president of there choice,