Fanwell Siandenge will be your downfall. Remove Mr. Siandenge from State House and save yourself from shame!
Lusaka, Aug. 10 – After the events of the past two days, our thoughtful and honest conclusion is that the Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of State House, Mr. Fanwell Siandenge, is a danger to Mr. Hakainde Hichilema’s presidency and the country.
We say this without any grain of malice or ill intention. What we are saying is based on an exhaustive assessment of activities and events that have taken place in the country regarding my arrest and subsequent detention, all of which were totally unnecessary and ill advised.
It requires very little effort for anybody to notice that there is chaos in the Zambia Police high command and by extension, the Presidency, or State House in particular. And the main culprit in all this is Mr. Siandenge himself.
Also Read: Zambia under the worst Police leadership ever.
It is evident that Mr. Siandenge has been handed a blank cheque by Mr. Hichilema to do exactly what he wants, which is most unfortunate, and this is what resulted in the unprecedented blunders, recklessness, and administrative chaos we witnessed in the police high command in the last two days.
So, without regard for hierarchy, Mr. Siandenge has been pulling strings and literally playing his superior, the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Graphel Musamba, like a string puppet. For instance, we are fully aware of what transpired for Mr. Musamba to shamelessly parade himself before cameras to read that disgraceful and outrageous speech word-for-word.
Mr. Siandenge is abusing the proximity and personal relationship he shares with Mr. Hichilema. That is why, today, Mr. Siandenge is like a god within the police and other state institutions, and nobody dares to question him on anything, including erroneous and senseless orders.
Mr. Siandenge, who is renowned within the system for watching over Mr. Hichilema like a hawk and projecting himself as a true loyalist of greater strength, ability, and intelligence than everybody else around the President, has shrewdly brought Mr Hichilema and the entire presidency under his control without them even noticing. That is why he is able to get away with literally anything.
But this is dangerous both for Mr. Hichilema and the country. And the earlier Mr. Hichilema realises this, the better for his administration and his legacy. Letting Mr. Siandenge operate in an unrestrained manner like he has been doing lately will cost Mr. Hichilema heavily and he will regret it someday soon.
Being the Deputy Inspector General of Police in the Zambia Police Service is not just a fancy title; it’s a responsibility that requires a special set of skills and immense effort. It’s not a job for everybody. It’s a job for seasoned patriots with demonstrable maturity, objectivity, impact, and real vision – and not party zealots with limited knowledge and understanding of what they are supposed to do, like Mr. Siandenge.
The honest truth is, Mr. Siandenge is not Deputy Inspector General of Police material. Yes, he may be relevant and effective in his personal dealings with Mr. Hichilema but as DIG, the man is not fit or capable of holding that office or any other at that level.
And Mr. Siandenge’s continued existence in that role will just entrench the mediocrity we are experiencing in the police today and degrade the presidency even further.
Also Read: Silavwe canes Inspector General of Police.
Let Mr. Hichilema provide a career path alternative for Mr. Siandenge and save the country from his tactless, primitive, and ignorant policing. Policing and law enforcement has become so sophisticated and difficult to navigate that dunderheads like Mr. Siandenge will be forever lost at sea.
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