“Unlimited power in the hands of limited individuals is a fertile ground for cruelty,” an insightful Alexandre Dumas once said about our quest for democracy.
By Dr. Lawrence Mwelwa | WD Columnist.
Lusaka, Aug. 13 – “Unlimited power in the hands of limited individuals is a fertile ground for cruelty.” These insightful words are inspired by the reflections of the renowned author Alexandre Dumas. This quote serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers that arise when a select few wield unrestricted authority.
In Zambia, a nation rich in natural beauty and vibrant culture, a growing concern looms over the state of its democracy. Suppression of opposition leaders has become an alarming trend, accompanied by human rights abuses, the violation of constitutional rights, and the abuse of power by those in authority. Like a dark cloud casting its shadow, these issues have eroded the essence of democracy, leaving citizens disillusioned and yearning for change.
The abuse of state organs, once trusted to protect and uphold justice, has inflicted wounds upon the fabric of Zambian society. These once revered institutions have been manipulated, serving as tools in the hands of those in power to quash dissent and consolidate their control. Meanwhile, the state media, entrusted with the duty to inform the nation truthfully, has been twisted into a propaganda machine, distorting reality and silencing opposition voices.
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Promises made during political campaigns have faded into oblivion, leaving the people deceived and disheartened. The United Party for National Development (UPND), once held high as a beacon of hope, pledged to deliver a new constitution that would empower the Zambian people. However, the echoes of these promises have evaporated, leaving the citizens grappling with broken dreams and unfulfilled expectations.
The quote by Alexandre Dumas, “Unlimited power in the hands of limited individuals is a fertile ground for cruelty,” rings with profound truth in this context. The concentration of power within the executive branch has nurtured an environment susceptible to abuse and apathy towards the needs and aspirations of the people. Yet, hope flickers amidst the gloom, as the realization dawns that change is essential for Zambia’s future.
The winds of change whisper a solution – Zambia needs a new constitution. A Constitution that redefines the power dynamics within the nation is essential to restore democracy and build a more just society. A constitution that devolves power from the executive and establishes a stronger parliamentary system, allowing for checks and balances, is the path forward.
Under the wings of this new constitution, the executive will no longer hold absolute power. Instead, authority will be distributed among elected representatives in parliament, ensuring that decision-making reflects the diverse voices of the Zambian people. Transparency and accountability will become pillars upon which the nation rebuilds, creating a system that values the rights and aspirations of every citizen.
The pursuit of a new constitution will not be without obstacles. The road ahead is fraught with challenges and resistance from those who benefit from the status quo. However, the resolve of the Zambian people, fueled by the desire for change, will overcome these hurdles. The yearning for a more equitable society will prevail, for it is through this transformation that the true spirit of democracy will be revived.
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In this tale of Zambia’s struggle for a new constitution, the protagonists are not the political elites but the ordinary citizens who refuse to accept the established norms of oppression. Their collective voice, echoing through every corner of the nation, demands a system that ensures justice, protects human rights, and upholds the dreams of a brighter future.
As Zambia stands at the crossroads, the choice becomes clear. Will the nation continue on the path of suppression and cruelty, or will it embrace the winds of change? The call for a new constitution, one that empowers the people and redefines the power dynamics, reverberates through the hearts of all Zambians. It is a call that cannot be ignored, for it holds the key to a democracy that stands strong, nurtured by the ideals of justice, equality, and the will of the people.
About The Author: Dr. Lawrence Mwelwa is a respected academician, a former Vice Chancellor, a politician and revolutionary writer.
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