The presumption of innocence serves as a fundamental pillar of our legal system. It safeguards individuals from unwarranted prejudice and ensures that guilt is determined through a fair and impartial trial.
By Mpandashalo Mwewa | Chief Editor.
Lusaka, Sept. 2 – In the case of Hon. Given Katuta, Member of Parliament for Chiengi Constituency, it is crucial for our society to remember the fundamental principle of law that every accused person is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. It is disheartening that, for the past two months, the media has extensively covered this case without giving equal weight to Hon. Katuta’s side of the story.
While accusations of assault, as reported by photojournalist, Mr. Henry Chunza, are serious and warrant investigation, it is imperative to uphold the principle that an accused individual should not be prematurely condemned in the court of public opinion. Respecting the rule of law ensures fairness, justice and protection of individuals’ rights.
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The presumption of innocence serves as a fundamental pillar of our legal system. It safeguards individuals from unwarranted prejudice and ensures that guilt is determined through a fair and impartial trial. The media plays a pivotal role in society, reporting facts and providing a platform for various perspectives. However, it is equally important for the media to exercise responsibility and uphold the principles of fair reporting, especially in high-profile cases.
At Woodpecker’s Digest, as we go about our political analyses and commentaries, which at times can be harsh as the point of journalism is to hold people in positions of power accountable, we still encourage a balanced approach to reporting.
While it is essential to shed light on the allegations made against Hon. Katuta and provide updates on the progress of the case, it is equally crucial to remain vigilant in presenting a holistic view of the situation. Hon. Katuta, like any accused person, must be given an equal opportunity to present her side of the story and defend herself in a court of law.
We acknowledge the public’s right to be informed about matters of national interest. However, it is essential to remember that public perception can significantly impact an individual’s reputation, especially in high-profile cases. Therefore, it is important for individuals to temper their judgments until all evidence has been presented and a fair trial has taken place.
The delay in proceeding with this case has only fueled public speculation and intensifies the need for responsible reporting, focusing on the principle of presumption of innocence. We urge the State to ensure that the legal process is expedited, providing both the accused and the accuser with a fair and timely trial.
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Ultimately, striking a balance between responsible reporting, protection of individual rights, and the public’s right to information remains paramount. A fair trial serves not only the interests of justice but also upholds the principles upon which our legal system is built. In the case of Hon. Given Katuta, let us uphold the presumption of innocence until proven guilty and ensure that justice is served impartially.
Should the court of public opinion turn out to be choreographed to distract her from serving her Constituents, those behind ought to understand that the truth does not need any defence whatsoever. They must read and memorise Mahatma Gandhi’s immortal statement, “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it – always.”
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