…and why the NHP President, Ms. Chishala Kateka, needs our support in her call for a national consensus on an impartial electoral system.
By Mpandashalo Mwewa | Chief Editor.
Lusaka, Sept. 17 – To understand the importance of an impartial justice system in order to realise justice in any setting, I have chosen to revisit the split the baby judgement by King Solomon.
The scripture, 1 Kings 3:16 – 28, recounts that two mothers living in the same house, each the mother of an infant son, went to King Solomon. One of the babies had been smothered, and each claimed the remaining boy as her own.
Calling for a sword, King Solomon declared his judgment: “the baby would be cut in two, each woman to receive half.” One mother did not contest the ruling, declaring that if she could not have the baby then neither of them could, but the other begged the King, “Give the baby to her, just don’t kill him!”
The king declared the second woman the true mother, as a mother would even give up her baby if that was necessary to save its life.
When all Israel heard about the judgment which the king had handed down, it feared the king, because everyone saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice.
Also Read: UPND’s political strategy to weaken the strongest opposition.
I consider this approach to justice an archetypal example of an impartial judge displaying wisdom in making a ruling. Unfortunately, in the absence of this impartiality, no justice can be administered.
Suffice to say, custodians of our justice system in Zambia, today, are interested parties in the political cases they preside over, because they exist to serve the appointing authority with vested interest in the outcome of the cases determine.
In the people versus Vedanta case, the King, who was in charge of choosing who would determine it’s outcome, accepted a bribe from Vedanta. In the case of the PF versus the UPND in Kwacha and Kabushi by-elections, the King was the ruler of the UPND and judgement in favour of the UPND would strengthen his Kingdom. In the ongoing confusion in the opposition Patriotic Front, the King would want to see a weak opposition in the country so perpetrators of anarchy in the PF, with the full backing of the King, have no reason to fear the consequences of their disregard of the rule of law.
Also Read: That was not democracy in Kwacha and Kabushi, the seats were literally stolen – Sangwa.
It should be clear from the aforementioned examples that under the current flawed political system that has little room left at State House for the Solomonic wisdom, having been inspired by George Orwell’s Animal Farm, it’s imperative that we take keen interest in putting in place a faceless strong institutional framework that would ensure an impartial justice system at its core.
Therefore, the Head of State, an interested party in the outcome of the general elections, cannot be tasked to appoint the Commissioners at the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ). How can a player on the football pitch be a Referee at the same time and expect his opponents to respect his decision to award himself a penalty?
This debate should not be viewed through partisan lenses but rather should be one that is premised on the fundamental principles of patriotism, standing up for the common good of all, prioritizing the interests of the country over those of any public figure! This is because an ECZ that can be compromised by the Head of State, is probably available for better offers from a strong opposition as well rendering those opposed to Ms. Chishala Kateka’s letter equally vulnerable.
It’s my view that a justice system is easy to be had, but to get an impartial one is a thing so difficult that it requires a very strong institutional framework to be put in place. Ultimately, we must seek a justice system that gives confidence like a dewdrop whose morning light sparkles on it just the same whether it’s on a flower or on a heap of dung.
Do you trust our King to determine whose baby the Patriotic Front is between Miles Sampa and Raphael Nakachinda? Please take time to give me feedback on this topical issue in the comments section.
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Putting news into perspective
To expect a sober judgement would be asking for too much. Precedents are already there.
As a survival strategy each party devises it’s own ways to prolong it’s stay in power. Hiring of mercenaries like chilufya tayali, miles Samoa is just one method