Fight like Lungu! I would be the 1st to do for SP what Lungu has sacrificed for PF!
No sensible person can sit on one’s laurels and watch, without a fight, the country that gave one the highest honour of being President being destroyed by the most intolerant, corrupt, unpatriotic and tribalistic puppets.
By Fred M’membe | SP President.
Lungu, Oct. 28 – No decent person can allow a political party that made him President be annihilated in such a crooked, mendacious way. If I were in Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s position, I would have done exactly what he has done today – jump into the ring and fight.
Also Read: Zambia Police and the emerging dictatorial tendencies by the New Dawn Administration.
A person who abides by unjust laws and practices, and permits another person to trample, divide and mistreat the people and the country in which he or she was born, is not an honourable person.
It is understandable that honest people should be constantly in police cells or prisons in a Republic where the President is an intolerant, cruel, vengeful and corrupt puppet.
In this case, there’s no sensible alternative for Mr. Lungu but to abandon the benefits and privileges of a retired President and join the struggle for a more just, fair and more humane homeland.
The intolerance, cruelty, tribalism, vengefulness and other repugnant tendencies of this corrupt puppet regime cannot be allowed to continue in this country.
It’s time to put a stop to this infantile excitement and approach to national leadership. As the late Micheal Chilufya Sata (MHSRIP) used to say, “Lesa alileka ukupanga ifyalo” and so we only have one country, which we must all defend and protect against reckless attempts to destroy our hard earned democracy and reduce us to a dust bin case. Mr. Lungu is right!
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