Hichilema is ultimately fooling Zambians and mocking God by quoting scripture each 7th day when what he does is to the contrary!
Despite Hichilema’s deliberate disregard for the rule of law, the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia places the burden of upholding and promoting national values and principles on the President.
Lusaka, Oct. 28 – As part of his operation “Imingalato”, premised on pure hatred for multiparty democracy, Hichilema has sowed confusion in the Patriotic Front by sponsoring an illegal Patriotic Front General Conference that LEGALLY, and by any means, falls way short of what a Patriotic Front General Conference ought to be.
Also Read: Zambia Police and the emerging dictatorial tendencies by the New Dawn Administration.
Despite this obvious unbecoming behaviour from him as the Head of State, Hichilema has the audacity to go to Facebook to quote scripture and recite prayers with a straight face…
“Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:25-26” – he has posted today.
The Constitution of the Republic of Zambia places the burden of upholding and promoting national values and principles on the President. Unfortunately, President Hichilema does not regard that part of the Constitution important. He’s proud of saying what ought to be said while doing the exact opposite.
You may have read this statement on X (former Twitter) …
“To re-establish tenets of integrity & accountability in public service delivery, the crusade against corruption shall remain decisive & crosscutting with no sacred cows. The law will be applied fully, sternly but fairly against those found wanting of past, present & future crimes!” reads, to date, his tweet.
And you may recall what he told the German Chancellor’s Personal Representative for Africa, Gunter Nooke, at state house in Lusaka on 8th November in 2021…
“My administration will guarantee democratic space to all political players and freedom of association including freedom of information!”
But the opposite, in both cases, is what is true today. About the former statement, he has been sweeping the current corruption allegations in the new dawn government under the carpet. About his latter statement, who can forget how he squeezed Hon. Harry Kalaba out of his Democratic Party and barred Hon. Lusambo and Hon. Malanji from contesting in Kabushi and Kwacha by-elections respectively by abusing the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)?
Also Read: That was not democracy in Kwacha and Kabushi, the seats were literally stolen – John Sangwa.
Even when it comes to defending the interests of an ordinary child in rural Zambia, Hichilema has failed lamentably having chosen to prioritize the interests of the Oppenheimer family sponsored Brenthurst Foundation.
The stance against Russia in the USA Proxy War in Ukraine and the allowing of the USA to open the AFRICOM Centre that all previous three rejected when they were approached are two key examples of how the agenda of the Brenthurst Foundation has been prioritized.
Mr. Hakainde Hichilema is not a man who can develop this nation because it’s hard to tell when he is telling the truth, and that is if he even does that when it comes to politics.
Also Read: Lungu describes Miles Sampa’s convention as a tragedy for the country’s multiparty democracy.
In a world where vows are worthless, where making a pledge means nothing, where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words of a statesman come back into State House!
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