We jokingly called State House a “Bweengwa Republic” because almost everyone who has been employed there is a relative of either the President or the First Lady.
By Zambian Whistleblower.
Lusaka, Oct. 23 – From Our Inbox: Dear Admin,
I am among the over 200 State House Civil Servants who have been sent away and handed over to PSMD for further redeployment. Some have been at home for over 1 year now because there are no vacancies to post them into and so they are just at home just drawing salaries.
If you check the names of those who have been handed over to PSMD, you will be shocked at the tribal cleansing that has happened at State House.
Also Read: The marginalised Bemba speaking people made you Head of State!
We jokingly called State House a “Bweengwa Republic” because almost everyone who has been employed at State House is Tonga and a relative of either the President, the First Lady or Mr. Arthur Choobe the Director at State House.
When the President attended a funeral in Namwala, old State House workers were shocked at just what a family forest State House had become when they witnessed all the new staff members going forward to lay wreaths as relatives, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunties, uncles etc.
This was confirmed when Mr. Arthur Choobe lost a sister in Chikankata in March this year at the same time the President was attending a funeral in Monze or Namwala. State House workers were shocked that in both places, the new staff members went forward to lay wreaths as relatives, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunties, uncles etc to the shock of the old workers who then realized what a family forest State House has become. Except for Gladys Siame, the entire Procurement Unit is all Tongas.
All Heads of department are Tongas, Lozi or North-westerners. Talk of the Security detail, it’s all Tonga. Relatives of the 1st family are dotted all over the place.
Mr. Obed Simukama is the one who was passing on names of all the people who should be transferred from State House.
Mr. Simukama had worked at State House as Senior Works Supervisor and Head of Maintenance until 2016 when 68 State House workers were sent home for among other things working against the Govt of the day.
They stayed on the payroll for 5 years and returned to State House after UPND won elections in 2021. He then went on rampage to make sure all tribes that are not from Zambezi areas were removed from State House. He was working together with Mr. Wallace Chakawa and Mr. Moono.
Also Read: Lest we forget, Hichilema has brought heightened tribalism in politics – Sakwiba Sikota.
The Police and OP have not been spared either. It’s so sad for our country.
Meanwhile, these are the people responsible for recruitment in the Public Service under the Public Service Management Division ( PSMD) in the Bweengwa Republic headed by His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema the ” holiest” politician ever.
PS PSMD is Margaret Miyoba,
Director HRA is Morgan Chunga,
Director R&P is Morgan Malambo,
Assistant Director HRA is Mr. Mangolwa, Director DHRD Mr. Hichilema who is suspected to be a young blood brother of the President.
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