Recently, the Chief Justice stated that it is wrong to discriminate against gays, and that they should not lose their humanity by virtue of their sexuality.
Lusaka, Oct. 5 – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Nelly Mutti, has rejected a private member’s motion to urge government to facilitate the stiffening of laws that prohibit homosexuality.
Also Read: There’s more to the statement by the Chief Justice that he has since rescinded. Let him resign!
BAHATI Member of Parliament, Hon. Leevan Chibombwe, had filed in a private member’s motion that intended to urge Government to stiffen laws against homosexuality in order to uphold Christian faith, traditional beliefs, and values of Zambia.
However the Speaker claims that approving such a motion would require amending existing laws which was within the mandate of a Member of Parliament.
“I am directed to inform you that the Hon. Madam Speaker has not approved the Motion as it requires amending existing laws which is within your mandate as Member of Parliament. You are, therefore, advised to pursue the route of introducing a Private Members’ Bill on the subject matter,” read, in part, the letter from the Clerk of the National Assembly!
Recently, while delivering a public lecture at the University of Zambia, the Chief Justice, Mumba Malila, was asked his views on the rights of gay people, given the national debate on this issue.
His response was that it was wrong to discriminate against gay persons, and that they should not be afforded fewer rights, as they don’t lose their humanity by virtue of their sexuality.
His view drew great condemnation from several Christian and media houses as his position contradicts the position of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia on the issue and he must be seen to defend it. There have even been calls on social media as well as public media for him to quit office.
Although he has since retracted his statement, a growing number of human rights lawyers in Zambia have since come out in his support, explaining that the Chief Justice was stating the current position on Constitutional rights in Zambia, and that this is the basis on which rights are celebrated and enjoyed everywhere else in the world.
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