Mr. Hichilema, it is in the best interest of both the Ruling and Opposition political parties that the nation embarks on a trajectory of unity, peace, growth and prosperity as soon as possible.
By the Opposition political parties.
Lusaka, Oct. 4 – As members of the Opposition, we are deeply concerned with the current state of our nation. We have noted that there is a shrinking democratic space, a steep rise in poverty levels, high unemployment levels and the suffering of our people due to severe economic hardships.
Also Read: A look at Kateka’s article: Zambia in a crisis.
We have also noted that, inspite of a number of pronouncements to the effect that these issues will be dealt with, there appears to be lack of progress being made with their resolution and Zambians have continued to suffer the effects arising from these issues. We have therefore, decided to write this open letter for your attention.
We are cognizant of your public commitment to build consensus with stakeholders on critical national matters and similar commitment made in your party’s Manifesto where you pledged that you will hold regular meetings with stakeholders once elected as President.
We also note that your Party’s Manifesto 2021-2026 pledges and states that when elected as President, you shall meet and engage leaders of the Opposition regularly to promote and build national consensus.
Please note that Page 15 of the UPND Manifesto on the Executive Summary states that;
c. “Ensuring that the President has regular question and answer sessions with the media, Parliament and Opposition leaders.” (Emphasis – ours)
d. “Ensure regular engagement between the President and the Leaders of Opposition political parties to solidify consensus behind the Vision 2030 while ensuring a sense of unity of purpose.” (Emphasis – ours)
It is for the reason that the initiative to meet with Opposition Leaders, has not been taken by yourself, that we felt that we should write this open letter to you.
We list below some of the issues that we are of the view needs your immediate attention:
1. The high cost of living: This has resulted in the very high price of mealie meal, fuel, cooking oil, electricity and other commodities which are now unaffordable for our people.
2. The rise in arbitrary arrests and constant harassment of members of the opposition.
3. Lack of transparency around large scale public procurement of commodities such as fuel, fertilizer, power purchase agreements under ZESCO, issuance and distribution of exploration, mining and timber licensing.
4. Unilateral handling of national peace and security matters by the executive such as, the presence of the US Africom Security Office, abuse of the Public Order Act, proposed amendments of the Public Gatherings Act, the Republican Constitution, the rise in Human Rights abuse, torture and mistreatment of persons, careless remarks of the coup plot, failure to publish IMF agreement, ZCCM-IH divestiture and the sale of KCM to Vedanta Resources.
5. Decay of public morals and failure to uphold national values and principles, traditions and culture and failure to curb the rise in promotion of LGBTQ issues in Zambia.
6. Failure to undertake nation building in order to promote unity and curb rising nepotism, tribalism and regionalism in the Public Service.
7. Secretive commencement of the Constitution making process: Having no clear roadmap and no consultative process in place to guide the Constitution making process, we are alarmed that there are secretive efforts aimed at amending the Republican Constitution in which people are being asked to submit recommendations on non-contentious issues. Given the lack of criteria on what constitutes non-contentious, we do not think that these non- transparent efforts represent the best way of carrying our constitutional reform forward, unless the objective is to remove popular clauses such as that relating to the running mate and the 50+1.
8. The composition of the Board of Commissioners at ECZ, which is perceived to be partisan, not inclusive and not balanced is a serious cause of concern.
9. Fees, Charges and other costs currently in force for political parties and individuals to participate in elections in Zambia. All the fees, costs and other charges are illegal, unconstitutional, redundant and anti-democratic because these put a barrier on Zambians ability to participate as candidates – a right that is constitutionally theirs – and also a barrier for the citizenry to vote for potential candidates who are barred simply because they can not afford to pay the astronomical fees. As a result of this barrier, a majority of our people, mostly the youth, women, the disabled and other disadvantaged persons can not afford to participate to be elected to positions of leadership of their choice. This only means that only the wealthiest, regardless of how they acquired that wealth, can participate.
10. The lack of democracy at Parliament and the deliberate stifling of free debate by members of parliament.
11. The management of the Judiciary and the recent appointment of new judges raises serious concerns. These recent developments undermine the independence and autonomy of the judiciary and their sacred role to deliver justice.
12. The need for an Economic Indaba: The new dawn government’s neo liberal policies that go to promote multinational, corporate, foreign and ultra-liberal policies have caused tremendous damage to the economy and to the well-being of our people. It is imperative that a national economic INDABA is convened to build broad consensus on how to tackle the many challenges facing the economy, including the high unemployment rate, slow pace of economic growth, high exchange rate and lack of liquidity. This will help bring down political tension and curtail the possibility of wide spread civil and political unrest in the country.
13. The recent Consent Judgements: and the awarding of some very high amounts as compensation, for those associated with the President and or the UPND is setting a very bad precedent.
14. Gender inequality: The gap is widening. The Gender Ministry needs to be re-instated. Women constitute more than 50% of our population and therefore need to have an adequate representation just as the Youth have a Ministry.
15. The case of purported abduction by Edith Nawakwi: Recently, Madam Nawakwi was arrested for abduction of the Haatembos. A lady, Racheal Chileshe Katolo, came forward to give a statement to the effect that in actual fact, it was the UPND, that had custody of the Haatembos and not Madam Nawakwi. Some very prominent names within the UPND were mentioned. Why has there been no follow up? What have the Law Enforcement Agencies done with this information? Will it be swept under the carpet?
16. Investigative Wings Reporting to State House: This undermines the integrity and therefore does not inspire confidence as regards the independence of these Investigative wings.
17. Breakdown in health facilities: We draw your attention to the mortality level in the country and wonder as to whether you are being adequately briefed or you are ignoring the brief that the health sector has suffered under the new dawn government to the extent that today the Cancer Centre that was once a flagship center is virtually non operational. As a result there is an increase mortality. Please consult foreign dignitaries embassies on this if you want an independent voice on the same.
Consequent to the foregoing, we now demand that:
1. A National Indaba, involving various Stakeholders with capacity to offer cogent solutions to resolve the plethora of issues currently facing the nation, be called. Such a National Indaba, could become a national rallying point helping lead to the unity of purpose that has been lost.
2. The National Indaba be held as soon as possible.
It is in the best interest of both the Ruling and Opposition political parties as well as that of Zambians, that the nation embarks on a trajectory of unity, peace, growth and prosperity as soon as possible.
We remain in service to the Zambian people.
Signed By:
▪️ All People’s Congress Party (APC)
▪️ Citizens First (CF)
▪️ Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)
▪️ Economic Front (EF)
▪️ Golden Party Zambia (GPZ)
▪️ National Democratic Congress (NDC)
▪️ New Heritage Party (NHP)
▪️ Patriots for Economic Progress (PEP)
▪️ Patriotic Front (PF)
▪️ Socialist Party (SP)
▪️ Zambia Must Prosper (ZMP)
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