The New Heritage Party has accepted the invitation to work with the former President to address the issues that we are faced with, for the sake of the nation's survival!
“Why would people be mischievous and fan the tribal talk? I am not Catholic, I am merely a fairly well read and right thinking Zambian that would not want to see these divisive elements gain traction in our country!” – Kateka.
By Mpandashalo Mwewa.
Lusaka, Nov. 15 – Tribalism in Zambia is being perpetrated by the same people who believe in regional politics. Tribalism a political agenda that has little to do with any fight for equality or justice but purely for political power.
These are the same people who will ensure that their regions prioritise surnames instead of substance when voting. Unfortunately for all of us preaching unity, these people form a large population of Zambia and can be traced in all provinces of this country albeit with varying levels of tribalism.
When Archbishop Mpundu was speaking against the misrule of the Patriotic Front, it was not necessary to question his tribe. The sad part of this narrative is that State House media is involved and this is why Koswe has remained Hichilema’s mouthpiece.
Also Read: Koswe struggles to explain gold scam suspect’s link to State House.
Yesterday, I published an article entitled, Revisiting African Socialism: We need to define our own democracy that reflects our own fundamental values and principles! to ultimately share why Dr. Kenneth Kaunda believed in the Choma Declaration and how it has remained a missed opportunity for us to use it as the foundation for a home bred governance system.
Let’s, then, look at President Chishala Kateka’s well crafted response that the UPND’s Zambian Watchdog equally knows but chose to play on the minds of its initiated blind followers. She wrote…
“So, today I was on Live FM Radio and was responding to the issue raised by the Zambian Watchdog regarding the composition of the Catholic Bishops that signed the Pastoral Letter.
We need to understand the background or history to the composition of churches and their leadership before we invoke misplaced tribal sentiments in the country.
When the various missionaries first came to this country, they entered the country through different Provinces and made their initial bases there, reaching out to the populace in those Provinces.
▪️The Apostolic Church (the ones that sing with those beautiful voices) is more prominent in Western Province.
▪️The SDA are more prominent in Southern Province. They even have a University there.
▪️The UCZ are more prominent in Luapula.
▪️CMML is more prominent in North Western Province.
▪️ The Dutch Reformed are more prominent in Eastern Province.
▪️The Catholics are more prominent in Northern, Luapula and Muchinga Provinces.
That is not to say that these churches have not spread to other parts of the country – but by and large, that is how Zambia, from a religion perspective, was shared out.
If the Apostolic Church were to issue a Pastoral letter, we should not be surprised to see a predominantly Western Province slant and so on and so forth for the other churches.
Why are people unnecessarily continuing to fuel the fires of division? Why would people be mischievous and fan the tribal talk.
No my fellow Zambians, do not buy into this nonsense. We have been one people for the last 59 years. Let us continue to value our peace. Let us not give in to these base sentiments.
As for the record, I am not Catholic, I am merely a fairly well read and right thinking Zambian that would not want to see these divisive elements gain traction in our country.”
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