Sampa's illegal convention now poses a challenge to political credibility of the UPND and Mr. Hichilema in particular!
But this revelation by the Auditor General’s Report is less interesting to the corrupt Anti-Corruption Commission than the case of Yo Maps and his used car!
Lusaka, Dec. 18 – The Report of the Auditor General on the Accounts of Parastatal Bodies and other Statutory Institutions for the financial year ended 31st December, 2022 has revealed that FRA awarded Golden Manela Investments Limited eight contracts a day after it was registered with PACRA.
Also Read: A new Auditor General to sweep corruption under the carpet!
The Report reveals that FRA entered into eight contracts with Golden Manela Investments Limited for maize sales amounting to 7,258.31 metric tons valued at K29,033,240 during the period under review.
According to the report, PACRA incorporated the company on June 23, 2022 and the following day, June 24, it started trading with FRA and was subsequently given maize sales contracts.
Also Read: Consent judgements: It’s fraud and corruption!
An examination of Maize sales contracts entered into by the agency and Golden Manela Investments Limited revealed, but this is less interesting news to the corrupt Anti-Corruption Commission other similarly corrupt Law Enforcement Agencies!
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