The ZNPHI, a specialized surveillance and disease intelligence unit, had, as early as October 2023, reported the outbreak of Cholera in Lusaka but government did not do enough to address the pending epidemic!
By Mpandashalo Mwewa | Chief Editor.
Lusaka, Feb. 5 – The ongoing insults by the UPND leadership directed at the former President, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, following his recent comments on the state of the economy, is enough proof that Zambia is in critical need of a new political direction and this requires competent political leadership.
Also Read: Zambia is in a crisis. By Chishala Kateka.
The UPND leadership has clearly demonstrated that it cannot discuss the issues critics are raising but instead would rather attack them for discussing any social economic development challenges people are faced with. The attacks appear to be caused by frustrations emanating from realising that it’s now evidently clear to every Zambian that President Hichilema has lamentably failed.
Under the circumstances, one has to be a useful idiot to think the quality of life can improve under the political leadership of President Hichilema. And it’s evident from the quality of his appointments!
Let’s leave debating the quality of the appointment of the Minister of Finance who has failed to manage the exchange rate for another day but instead look at how Zambia could have prevented several deaths in the last couple of years had President Hichilema not put the lives of the people of this nation in the hands of a mere political cadre.
Where’s President Hichilema’s leadership for him to preside over 600 clearly preventable Cholera deaths when the disease broke out way back in October 2023? Does he really believe Hon. Masebo is the best person to be our Minister of Health? Even in the face of obvious high levels of incompetence, why has he kept a political cadre in a position that requires qualified medical personnel?
Also Read: Masebo must be fired for lying about essential drugs.
Through the Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI), the previous regime had put in place a specialized surveillance and disease intelligence unit, an effective detection system that enables the Ministry of Health to quickly respond to any outbreak of an epidemic such as Chorela.
Through the ZNPHI, the former Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, had successfully led this country’s response to the Covid-19 and Cholera outbreaks.
Under the new dawn government, the ZNPHI had, as early as October 2023, reported the outbreak of Cholera in Lusaka. But the Ministry of Health failed to act on this information resulting in thousands of Cholera cases and, today, in over 600 deaths, a situation that could have been clearly prevented. In a corruption and nepotism free government, Hon. Masebo would have been dismissed by now.
Consequently, I am of the view that the buck stops with President Hichilema, who seems to have no clue as to what the word incompetence means. Leadership is the ability to identify and put those with the technical know-how and ability in key positions needing such expertise.
You may recall that the ZAMMSA Board Chairperson, Dr. Anna Chifungula, had equally revealed that Zambia suffered from the critical shortage of essential medicines in public health institutions, a situation that led to several preventable deaths, because the Agency was not allowed to procure medical supplies from suppliers which were considered not to be in good standing with the new dawn administration. But why did Hon. Sylvia Masebo politicise the health sector if she values life?
Also Read: Politics frustrated ZAMMSA procurement of essential medicines.
ZAMMSA equally revealed that the report on the persistent shortage of drugs in hospitals by the Parliamentary Committee constituted by the Speaker of the National Assembly was a good report but Hon. Masebo denounced the report because she was at the centre of the scandal. But denouncing the report meant the Ministry of Health could not address the problem, sacrificing more innocent lives.
Based on this, do you think life is sacred under the political leadership of President Hichilema who only seems obsessed with political point-scoring, sweeping Hon. Masebo’s scandals under the carpet? The sanctity of life is inviolable under any circumstances and President Hichilema should have abandoned his politicking and dealt with the drugs crisis by firing Hon. Masebo.
Since he has chosen not to fire her and save lives, Zambians must fire him in 2026! Politics should not be a self preservation tool but a vehicle for development! Let’s stand for Zambia not for self serving politicians!
Also Read: Zambia, under the new dawn government, has lost track in the health sector.
Patriotism means standing by the needs of our country before those of any public figure. It does not mean to stand by those in public office. It is patriotic to support them in as far as they efficiently serve the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose them to the exact extent they fail in their duty to stand by the country.
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