NGOCC needs to be redeemed from total collapse. Women need to see each other as partners fighting for a common cause rather than women. They seem to be good at fighting each other rather than uplifting each other.
By Mpandashalo Mwewa | Chief Editor.
Lusaka, Feb. 23 – The resignation of the NGOCC Executive Director is proof that women have failed to support fellow women. We shall, however, get to the bottom of what is happening in all women run Non Governmental Organisations.
The famous African quote that when you educate a man; you educate a man but when you educate a woman; you educate a generation is now working against us looking at how educated women are being frustrated by their fellow women.
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“We need to put in place a strong institutional frame that will control politicians not as the case is now where politicians control our Law Enforcement Agencies or a Minister of Health can paralize the procurement of essential drugs at ZAMMSA.”
When Grace Manyonga Sinkamba, the NGOCC Board Chairperson, sunk so low as to lead a delegation to pay a courtesy solidarity visit on a clearly unprofessional Speaker of the National Assembly, we knew the visit had no blessings of the Executive Director.
Supporting women in leadership should have seen the NGOCC Chairperson admonishing the speaker of the National Assembly for misrepresenting the women folk. How is the nation going to vote for a female Head of State when the few women in leadership roles are being commended for being the best examples of what leaders should not be!
So, the decision by Ms. Anne Mbewe-Anamela to step down from her position of NGOCC Executive Director has not come as a surprise to us. This is why we have shared with you our objective view that the Boards of the women’s movements need overhauling!
You may recall that when the UPND government was clearly harassing the then Registrar of Societies, the NGOCC remained silent through out her entire ordeal, a clear indication that the women’s movement had gone to the dogs.
Yes!, there’s an urgent need to shake up the management of the women’s movements in Zambia. They no longer represent the interests of an ordinary female citizen of this country.
But what is now of great concern to our editorial team is what we read in the Zambia Daily Mail that the once vibrant YWCA, an affiliate of the troubled NGOCC can let go of its explosive and focused Executive Director. The achievements of the YWCA under the leadership of its former Executive Director were there for all to see. If anything, the Board must be dissolved following her voluntary departure unless their funders have money to waste.
Our Women’s Movements must learn to reach mutual agreements without demeaning personalities. Times have changed. Why are women not actively contributing to the vision of the gender division for instance?
Why not help the female heading the gender division domiciled at Cabinet Office achieve the vision she had set for the division in a mutual way? Why just offer condolences instead of engaging her in a mutually beneficial way to the movement.
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The women seem to be stuck in the era of the Beijing conference times. They are not moving with time. They are not looking at fighting current trends using new strategies rather than strategies of yesterday years. Women seem to be good at fighting each other rather than uplifting each other.
There’s an urgent need to restructure all Boards that are running women organizations as they have outlived their effectiveness. Does this mean that women are failing to run their own affairs without the involvement of men? They are an embarrassment to their kind! Maybe we should manage their affairs in their boards!
We therefore call upon all level headed women in Zambia to summon their conscious and challenge the current crop of women leaders during their democratic board elections.
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