Sampa's illegal convention now poses a challenge to political credibility of the UPND and Mr. Hichilema in particular!
“If we don’t handle our independence very well, colonisers will come back in form of investors!” – Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe. The Lobito Corridor is meant to facilitate the interests of the West, smuggling our mineral resources.
Lusaka, Feb. 10 – President Hichilema’s call for a speedy implementation of the Lobito Corridor Project should not be misunderstood for it being a strategic opportunity for enhanced trade and connectivity among Zambia, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, but rather, to facilitate the interests of the West of smuggling our mineral resources.
What should be a matter of urgency to Zambia is an oil pipeline from Angola to Zambia. The Lobito Corridor Project is meant to serve the interests of his masters, the same people who ensured that the Choma Declaration that united Zambia against foreign influence failed.
Also Read: A look at Kateka’s article: Zambia in a crisis.
Zambia needs a Statesman or Woman who will take Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe’s cautionary statement seriously and protect the interests of an ordinary child in rural Zambia.
Unfortunately, in President Hakainde Hichilema, what Zambia has just witnessed, is a typical example of how it is difficult to live and correct the consequences of a lie.
We now know who Mr. Hichilema is. We all, therefore, must exercise patriotism in the next presidential election if we are to correct the mess his lies have plunged this, otherwise, great nation in.
Patriotism means standing by the needs of our country, before those of President Hichilema. It does not, at all, mean to stand by our puppet President, Mr. Hichilema. It is patriotic to support Mr. Hichilema in as far as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent he fails in his duty to stand by the country.
Truth be told, the man has terribly messed up, having prioritized the interests of the Oppenheimer family sponsored Brenthurst Foundation before those of an ordinary child in rural Zambia. Is Zambia back to its colonial days as predicted by the late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe?
“If we don’t handle our independence very well, colonizers will come back in form of investors.”
Immediately Mr. Hichilema took over the presidency, he became the first Head of State in the SADC region to allow the establishment of the US military station referred to as the AFRICOM Centre against the overall wishes of all the SADC member states.
In 2026, let’s use our votes to revert Zambia to a non-aligned Pan African state, close the US AFRICOM Centre and apply to be a member of the BRICS.
Also Read: Hichilema erases Zambia’s non-aligned foreign policy image!
There’s more to Mr. Hichilema’s activities with the Brenthurst Foundation and as Africans, we must learn from how China ignored the rights of those who took part in the Tiananmen Square Protests for the greater good of all in China.
Where would China be today had it not crashed the few paid up protesters representing the interests of the West? It’s very clear that Mr. Hichilema is serving the interests of his Masters against the objectives of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia.
Also Read: Tiananmen Square Protests: Where would China be today?
In a world where vows are worthless, where making a pledge means nothing, where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words of a Statesman or woman come back into State House!
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