Fight like Lungu! I would be the 1st to do for SP what Lungu has sacrificed for PF!
Isn’t admitting to support and sponsor the crime of hate speech a crime in itself? This only goes to expose the hypocrisy and immoral nature of Mr. Hichilema and his government.
By Dr. Fred M’membe | SP President.
Lusaka, Feb. 13 – How can a decent and honest people with morality sponsor someone to propagate “hate speech” to enable them to win an election and get him arrested, prosecuted, and convicted after they win power?
Also Read: UPND is evil! President Hichilema must fire Cornelius Mweetwa.
Isn’t admitting to support and sponsor the crime of hate speech a crime in itself? This only goes to expose the hypocrisy and lack of morality on the part of Mr. Hichilema and his minions.
Isn’t this admitting crookedness and criminality? And now they’re even mocking the illness of the person they used. This is the type of crooked leadership in charge of our country today!
Also Read: Koswe’s filthy and hateful language: The other side of Hichilema.
Those following “Koswe” will have noted how filthy and hateful the language has become. If it was just any other gutter publication one would quickly ignore and dismiss it. However “Koswe” originates from State House.
What can one reasonably expect from such a leadership?
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