A shrewd accountant, a discerning lawyer and a streetwise investment banker! Why these three people?
By Rev. Walter Mwambazi.
Lusaka, April 9 – Let’s discuss in detail why you need these three:
◾Shrewd Accountant.
These help you know several things including how to legally avoid paying taxes more than is necessary. The reason the multinationals pay very little to no taxes is precisely because they hire world class tax accountants who know how to get around this.
Also Read: Sustaining a business in a struggling economy – Valden Findlay.
Sadly, the persons who pay the most taxes are the employees (directly) and the poor (indirectly) often paying between 16% to as high as 40% of their earnings
The rich pay almost 0% tax. What is their secret weapon, a shrewd accountant. That’s what ensures they generate obscene amounts of money they actually get to keep.
◾Discerning Lawyer.
These ensure all aspects of the law and regulations are well adhered to. But even more importantly, they get to study all the fine print in contracts to protect your interests, or even more importantly, set “traps” and “lacunas” within contracts to ensure should crux come to crunch, they again protect you.
Many people have lost great opportunities and business simply because they didn’t study their contracts and protect their interests.
Rule of thumb: Never go by someone’s word, always back it up with legal seals. If you don’t, you’ll learn some very painful lessons in life. Not everyone is honest or kind.
Some of the wealthiest persons in our country happily left thousands of workers to hang simply because the workers weren’t as shrewd as their employers were.
Remember the scripture?
“Behold, I send you out as sheep among wolves, be therefore as cunning as serpents but as harmless as doves!”
◾Streetwise Investment Banker.
Now more than ever, the currencies, capital markets and financial systems are really just smoke and mirrors. In short, most of it is just “wealth” sitting on houses of cards.
It is here that streetwise investing becomes a absolute asset. Now, you could spend months learning about various investments, then hours studying the trends of the various markets across the world, and then learn how to manage the money so that it grows, whilst making very expensive mistakes as part of your lessons.
Or get a smart investment banker. I have seen what one of my favorite investors has done to grow his portfolio to almost $100m from a paltry $100,000! He is phenomenal but puts in the work.
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You want such as your arsenal. That’s why he is in my inner circle. Listen to me, I know I shall become Uber wealthy and generate over $1bn in my lifetime. It is a matter of time. Why?
Because of what I know. And that is why I share what I share. If one is wise, learn, and if you can, come and consult me and get guided. I have guided dozens of people into serious income generation and are very happy.
What are you doing about it?
So, a shrewd accountant, a discerning lawyer and a streetwise investment banker!
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