ECZ has advised that the SP seeks legal redress by petitioning the local government elections tribunal within seven (7) days of Close of nominations as provided in article 52(4) of the constitution of Zambia!
Lusaka, April 16 – The Socialist Party (SP) has said that the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has declined to call for fresh nominations in Gwembe District, Chisanga Ward and Kabompo district, Chikenge ward despite evidence of electoral viōlence recorded in the by-elections.
The SP Media Team reports that this refusal to hold fresh nominations comes after SP General Secretary and First Vice-President Dr. Cosmas Musheke Musumali raised concerns of serious corruption, intimidation, violence and abdŭctions of SP candidates.
Also Read: ECZ and UPND should not test the patience of Zambians.
“For the UPND to force the ECZ to illegally usurp the power of the Courts to cancel accepted nominations, we’re clearly dealing with a criminal organization which is abusing State Institutions to breach the Human Rights of Zambians!” – Celestine M. Mukandila, Lusaka lawyer.
According to a letter dated April 12, 2024, addressed to the ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Mr. Brown Kasaro, Dr. Musumali detailed how the SP candidate for Luangwa District, Kaunga ward was kidnāppēd among other concerns.
In his letter, Dr. Musumali demanded that the ECZ calls for fresh nominations.
“Our candidate for Luangwa District’s Kaunga ward, Maneya Mwale, who is only 22 years old was physically abŭsed, Intimidated, kidnāppēd and had a gŭn pointed at her with threats of d£āth being made by known UPND officials. These are Mr. Obvious Summerton Mwaliteta – UPND Lusaka Province Chairperson, Anderson Banda – UPND Lusaka Youth Chairperson, Kelly – UPND Luangwa District Youth Chairperson, Eddy, Cloud Tembo and Junior Zulu – UNPD members from Feira, Timothy Tembo – the younger brother to the UPND candidate in Kaunga ward,” read the letter.
“The Socialist Party therefore, demands that your office take the following collective and punitive actions in accordance with the law as cited above: Invalidate the nominations made for Chikenge Ward as well as set a new date to file fresh nominations, Invalidate the nominations made for Chisanga Ward as well as set a new date to file fresh nominations and due to the gravity of the offences committed in Chisanga Ward and Kaunga Ward, ban the UPND from participating in the by elections of those wards”.
However, in response, Mr. Kasaro has declined to call fresh nominations stating that they are inhibited to do so.
“We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12th April, 2024 which was received on 15th April, 2024 and whose contents whereof have been duly noted. We regret to advise that we are unable to proceed as suggested in your letter as we are inhibited to do so after close of nominations by regulation 18 (7) of the Electoral process (General) regulations. 2016 as read together with articles 52(4) of the constitution of Zambia,” reads the letter.
“We therefore advise that you seek legal redress by petitioning the local government elections tribunal within seven (7) days of Close of nominations as provided in article 52(4) of the constitution of Zambia”.
Also Read: That was not democracy in Kwacha and Kabushi, the seats were literally stolen – Sangwa.
“Now the events that happened to the Kwaacha and Kabushi constituencies were against all known principles of democracy, and that was not a very good development to our democracy in the last two years. Those seats were literally stolen!” Sangwa lamented.
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