“It is time for Africa to fully participate at a strategic level of INTERPOL, setting the agenda rather than just being part of it!” observes Egypt’s Deputy Assistant Interior Minister, Mohamed Negm.
Lusaka, June 12 – The Zambia Police Service’s Public Relations Unit reports that Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. Mubita Nawa, Africa’s nominee for the prestigious position of Secretary General of INTERPOL, has concluded a successful visit to Egypt.
Also Read: A brief chat with Africa’s candidate for Secretary General of INTERPOL, Mubita Nawa!
“Our campaign will ensure that the vision for the organization is one that benefits all regions, prioritizing all of them, putting into consideration their unique situation and policing dynamics!” – Mubita Nawa.
Accompanied by esteemed diplomat Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe, serving as Special Envoy for the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr. Nawa conducted crucial meetings with senior Egyptian officials to secure backing for his candidacy.
The campaign team initially convened with the Minister of Interior at the Ministry Headquarters. Subsequently, it interacted with high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among them Ambassador Ihab Awad, Deputy Assistant Minister Mohamed Negm, Dr. Alyaa Borhan, and Counsellor Abu Bakr Al Ashrafy.
In the meetings, Ambassador Kapambwe conveyed a message from President Hichilema, underscoring the importance of their mission.
“Egypt’s dedication to the African Union’s initiative of endorsing a single African candidate is admirable. Mubita Nawa’s candidacy presents a unique chance for INTERPOL to embrace significant reforms, enhancing the organization’s strength and inclusivity,” said Ambassador Kapambwe, expressing appreciation for Egypt’s backing.
The team’s second meeting occurred at the Ministry of Public Security, where they met with General Mahmoud ABOU AMRA, Deputy Minister for Public Security and Head of Public Security Sector. He briefed them on the security landscape and highlighted Egypt’s numerous memoranda of understanding with African nations, aimed at bolstering cooperation and capacity in the security domain.
“I am pleased that Africa has put forth a candidate, and I extend my best wishes to Mr. Nawa. As a nation, we stand behind the African Union’s position on his candidacy,” he reaffirmed.
The Minister was flanked by General Sherif Abdelfattah, Head of General Directorate of International Cooperation, General Dr. Badr Eldeeb, Deputy Head of Sector for Operations in the Public Security Sector, General Emad Sdeeq, Head of General Directorate of Sentences Execution. Others included General Atef Roshdy, Head of General Directorate Forensic Investigations, and Colonel Yehia ELSherif, Police officer – General Directorate of International Cooperation.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Nawa articulated his vision for a robust and adaptable INTERPOL, unified in its fight against crime.
“There is a pressing requirement for structural adjustments to bring INTERPOL in line with modern requirements,” Nawa asserted. “Our objective is to guarantee that INTERPOL can effectively support its member nations while integrating diversity at a strategic level.”
Deputy Assistant Minister Mohamed Negm recognized the significance of Africa’s contribution to global law enforcement.
“It’s high time Africa engages strategically, shaping the agenda rather than merely following it. This shift will enable Africa and other developing nations to have substantial involvement in the global security framework,” Negm emphasized.
The meetings in Egypt wrapped up on a positive note. Ambassador Kapambwe and Mr. Nawa expressed gratitude to Zambia’s Ambassador to Egypt, Major General Toply Lubaya (Rtd), and the embassy staff for their assistance and warm welcome.
The campaign team is now gearing up to advance its initiatives in Nigeria, with the goal of solidifying its stance and securing additional endorsements.
Also Read: Embracing Change: Mr. Nawa’s Candidacy and INTERPOL’s Global Impact.
“Mr. Nawa’s candidacy offers a crucial opportunity for INTERPOL to embrace change and strengthen its global influence,” observes Prof. Theletsane.
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