Hichilema should lay his eyes on this piece! His rosy vision for Zambia’s economy has come crashing down like a house of cards, and the harsh reality is hitting like a ton of bricks. What once seemed like promises of gold has turned to dust, exposing him as just another puffed-up politician full of hot air, who bit off more than he could chew.
By Mpandashalo Mwewa.
Lusaka, Sept. 6 – Mwebantu, the fine art of distinguishing perspective from reality – it’s like thinking you’re a world-class dancer because you feel the beat, but the mirror is showing you an interpretive seizure.
Also Read: By His Own Words, Zambians Must Seek a New President! “When the government fails to change the lives of the people, the people must change the government!” – Hichilema. What should Zambians do in 2026?
Perspective is your personal lens, while reality? Well, reality is everyone else recording your “moves” for posterity on social media. It’s a delicate balance between how you see things and how they actually are, much like assuming a dog loves you because it sits near you, when in reality, it’s just eyeing your food.
Now, take relationships as a prime example. You might be utterly convinced that your crush is sending signals – like that half-smile they gave you last boring Monday while asking for a pen. In your perspective, you’re halfway to a lifetime relationship scenario. But reality?
They’re just trying to avoid you because you talk too much about your passion for politics. The universe, it seems, has a way of humbling us when we get too cozy with our own version of events.
And then, there’s work. You might think you’re nailing that presentation with your PowerPoint pizzazz, but reality is your colleagues are nodding off, only to be jolted awake by the ding of their lunch notifications.
Understanding the difference is crucial, unless, of course, you enjoy living in a world where you’re the hero of every story, unaware that you’re walking through life with ibondwe in your teeth. Perspective is the spice; reality is the dish. Get the recipe wrong, and, well, no one’s coming back for seconds!
How I wish Dr. Hakainde Hichilema would read this article whose perspective on Zambia’s economy has turned out to be a disaster as reality sinks in. He’s just another puffed up single balled baffoon.
Also Read: Hichilema’s Nightmare Unfolds as Edgar Lungu Announces 2026 Presidential Run! Aware that he cannot defeat Edgar Lungu in the 2026 general elections, Hakainde Hichilema has placed all his cards on a compromised Judiciary preventing his rival from contesting.
About The Author: Mpandashalo Mwewa, currently the Chief Editor at Woodpecker’s Digest, formerly held the same role at Zambia Reports. Known for championing Pan-African education reforms with a focus on critical thinking, he employs journalism to instigate social transformation.
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