An ode to a remarkable life and one of the country’s most consequential presidents of all time, whose legacy transformed our nation’s history and spirit.
By Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.
Lusaka, Oct. 28 – In the face of unprecedented toxicity in our political landscape, the legacy of the man we honour today serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for a reset of the fundamentals of our multiparty democracy.
Also Read: Resetting Zambia’s Political Compass: Dr. Chitalu Chilufya’s Bold Call for Unity and Development! Dr. Chilufya’s call to reset our politics and recalibrate the national agenda toward service delivery and poverty eradication through dialogue and unity deserves full support to foster national development.
His life was a testament to actions that fostered values of reconciliation and forgiveness. At the heart of his political discourse was the magical word, LOVE. As a devout Catholic, he carried an unwavering commitment to spreading this love, embodied in the song he championed, “Tutemwane bane bonse!” – a call to love one another.
As a practising Catholic myself, I closely followed the political and religious path of this exemplary towering figure. On this auspicious day of remembrance of his life, we should all be hopeful, that the interceding loving spirit of “Saint Micheal” will guide us to the values he represented.
As a nation, we have clashed too often, and on nearly every issue. If this path of discord goes unchecked, we risk descending into even deeper divisions, where we may soon find ourselves disagreeing over the very art of disagreement itself. This is unsustainable; we must not continue like this!
Also Read: Press Statement: I Have Not Defected to the UPND! The notion that an opposition MP cannot engage with the President in the line of duty is incorrect. My appeal to ALL is to reset our politics and recalibrate our collective agenda to service delivery and poverty eradication.
Watching us from above where he is, Mr. Sata is definitely disapproving of the rancour and endless strongholds we are burdening ourselves with.
◾What would Mr Sata do? He would be telling us to let go!
Let us embrace love for one another. Through my journeys in faith and politics, I have been a witness to his boundless, unwavering love – a love he extended even to his fiercest critics. Those who came close to him quickly learned that beneath his seemingly tough exterior lay a profound kindness few could have anticipated.
His unrestrained character and humanity radiated a magnanimous leadership that as a country we ought always strive to uphold. But above all, he gifted us with an enduring spirit of love, tirelessly working to instill it in those who followed him. He died a hero – a man who fought for Zambia until his last breath. Let us honour him as such.
He was the champion of the impoverished, always standing firmly by society’s most vulnerable. His unbreakable bond with the poor remains a timeless standard for public service. He didn’t seek office for self-gain but to uplift the very souls our society so often forgets.
Also Read: Turning Political Boundaries into Bridges: Dr. Chilufya’s Golden Opportunity for Mansa Central Following Dr. Chilufya’s statement, Hon. Mecha paints a vision of a Zambia where leaders unite, ideas are shared, and every corner of the country benefits from these alliances.
◾There will always be a place of honour for our departed president.
You gave this nation your very whole, your very best; you loved this nation, and this nation will always love you back! In three short years, you left an indelible mark on the face of this nation. Your time, the Sata years, will always be a great mark of honour, and an inescapable lesson in love, hardwork, and extraordinary resilience in the face of adversity.
It’s ten years now, but it all seems like yesterday. It was only three short years in State House, but in that very brief moment you shook this country into action in a revolutionary manner. It is not the longevity of time or speeches that matter but the quality of delivery. Your delivery was by many accounts, unprecedented!
About The Author: Dr. Chilufya, a PF presidential candidate, is a public health physician, Mansa Central Member of Parliament and former Minister of Health who led the radical transformation of the Zambia national health system in pursuit of Universal Health Coverage.
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