The Mast newspaper, entangled in its allegiance to the Socialist Party and Dr. M’membe’s presidential ambitions, exemplifies a glaring disregard for journalistic integrity.
Lusaka, Jan. 13 – The Mast newspaper, as a public relations vehicle of the Socialist Party, is desperate to support Dr. M’membe’s presidential ambitions to the point that it is now trying to deceive the faithful of the Catholic Church who take the advice of their parishioners on politics. This is not only unprofessional but also irresponsible.
Also Read: The Church, a Reservoir of Deep Wisdom, Counsel – Dr. Chitalu Chilufya. Counsels the UPND on the need to understand that it is in their best interest to regard the Church as a reservoir of deep wisdom and that it represents the voice of the voiceless!
Responsible journalism is essential to maintaining the integrity of the news our media houses share. Sensationalism and biased reporting can damage the reputation of the media and undermine trust in the media.
The Catholic Church is an ancient institution that has stood the test of time, and its core values and principles remain unchanged despite the vagaries of politics, for its foundation is rooted in the teachings of Christ, which emphasize justice for all.
It is understandable that the Mast would want to portray a Church in Rome concerned about the potential of politicians to create confusion or undermine the authority of the Church. However, it is essential to recognize that the strength of the Church lies in its ability to remain an unwavering beacon of hope and guidance, even in turbulent times.
As for the apostolic nuncio, his role is to serve as a representative of the Pope and the Holy See in a particular country or region. His responsibilities include promoting positive relations between the Church and local government, as well as providing guidance and support to the local Catholic community. The apostolic nuncio is unlikely to use his bishops to obtain protection, as his role is more focused on promoting the mission and values of the Church than on seeking protection. If you are concerned about specific reports or news articles, it is always a good idea to check the facts and verify the information with reliable sources.
Also Read: Democracy Isn’t About Winning Elections – It’s About Letting People Shape Governance! True democracy goes beyond ballots and power struggles; it prioritizes serving the people through inclusive governance. When politics focuses on humanity and cooperation, it fulfills its purpose as a vehicle for national development, not partisan division.
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