In a peculiar turn of events, the hungry nation is missing the once dreaded PF government, for at least in its hardship, it had meals to eat.
By Dr. Mwelwa | WD Columnist.
Lusaka, July 16 – Once upon a time, in the land of Zambia, a peculiar tale unfolded. It echoed the ancient biblical story of the Israelites, but with a modern-day twist. In this parody, the people of Zambia found themselves longing for their previous government, the brutal Patriotic Front (PF), simply because it provided them with sustenance amidst its harsh rule.
Dr. Hakainde Hichilema, a charismatic leader, had campaigned extensively with promises of a brighter future. He painted a picture of a promised land flowing with milk and honey, a Zambia where all hunger and suffering would cease. Oh, how the people’s ears perked up, desperate for relief from their daily struggles.
But alas, the path to this utopia led them through the wilderness of hunger and starvation. The cost of living soared to unimaginable heights, squeezing the life out of the people’s weary wallets. With empty stomachs and growling hunger, they wondered if the promised land would forever remain a distant dream.
Also Read: A tale of Zambia’s wealth disparity – By Dr. Mwelwa.
The hospitals, once beacons of hope, now stood devoid of life-saving drugs. Aching bodies and desperate pleas fell on deaf ears, as the sick were left to suffer in silence. And as the people lost hope, the crime rate climbed steadily, like a sinister shadow cast upon their weary hearts.
Unemployment plagued the nation, creating a sea of despair in its wake. Dreams of prosperity shattered against the harsh reality of empty job markets. The people, with skills and talents, yearned for opportunities that seemed forever out of reach.
But amidst this wilderness, a ripple of change occurred. The UPND government came into power, holding the reins of the nation’s destiny. However, their actions brought forth unforeseen consequences. They withheld payments from those who had supplied services during the PF rule, causing businesses to collapse in a web of corruption. Banks, relentless in their pursuit of what was owed, clamped down on struggling companies that had borrowed to meet the government’s demands.
And so, in this peculiar turn of events, the Zambians found themselves missing the once dreaded PF government. They longed for the days of its brutality, for at least in their hardship, they had meals to eat. The peace that now enveloped them couldn’t fill the void of their empty stomachs, nor soothe their unfulfilled hopes.
In their pain, the people of Zambia echoed the lament of the Israelites of old, yearning for the comforts of the past. “Oh, if only we had perished by the hand of the Lord in Egypt! In those days, we sat around pots of meat, feasting on an abundance of food. But here, in this unforgiving desert, we starve as an entire assembly!”
Also Read: UPND’s political strategy to weaken the strongest opposition.
And so, the hunger-stricken Zambians found themselves trapped between their present reality and a promise unfulfilled. They clung to the memory of a government once despised, simply because it offered them a meager sustenance. In this twisted satire, the moral becomes clear – sometimes, even in the face of brutality, the allure of a full belly can cloud one’s judgment and skew one’s perceptions of hero and villain.
As the story unfolds, only time will tell if the people of Zambia will find their true promised land, where abundance and prosperity prevail over hunger and disillusionment. For now, they continue their journey, hoping that their longing hearts will be heard and their suffering alleviated.
About The Author: Dr. Lawrence Mwelwa is a respected academician, a former Vice Chancellor, a politician and revolutionary writer.
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