Reflecting on my life, as a writer, I am grateful for all the experiences that have shaped me into who I am. I can only wish myself a memorable birthday!
Lusaka, Sept. 19 – Every individual’s journey is unique, a tapestry woven from countless experiences and personal evolutions.
My thoughts today are evolving around my personal manifesto, resonating with my truths and dreams about a possible self reliant Zambia where education will mean teaching our children wealth creation grounded on our abundant natural resources.
Also Read: The Fallacy of Majority Rule: A call for critical thinking in Zambia.
I may not have presents to unwrap but I wish to remind my colleagues, family and friends that birthdays offer us more than just gifts. They serve as powerful reminders of our personal journey, prompting us to take stock of how far we’ve come and where we’re headed.
I, therefore, just wish to pause and acknowledge the milestones I have achieved such as meeting Angela, my wife; the incredible lessons I have learned such as understanding that there’re still trustworthy politicians, like Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, and of course looking to what life can still offer, the dreams I still wish to achieve such as marrying a second wife!
I am grateful for all the experiences that have shaped me into the Mpandashalo Evans Mwewa I am today. These, equally, include moments of torture resulting from my countless moments when I decided to trust my younger brother Mutoba Mabwe. How one can trust a person with such a name still beats me!
As I firmly put my feet on the 52nd year of my life, allow me to appreciate colleagues, friends and family who have consistently reminded me that I am braver than I believe and smarter than I think. You have made me to believe in myself and to embrace the incredible person that I now believe I am.
A very Happy Birthday to the incredible Mpandashalo Evans Mwewa in me!
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