“When leaders face no consequences for dishonesty, their falsehoods tend to get even more sensational. Was it 9 or 13 police officers that were guarding the residence of the former President Lungu?”
By Dr. Fred M’membe | SP Zambia.
Lusaka, May 17 – One wrong thing with lying in our politics is that it can be manipulative.
Understanding why lying in our politics can be a form of manipulation involves understanding how the act changes us. How people will not see you the same when you lie.
Some psychologists even consider lying a developmental milestone, like crawling and walking, because it requires sophisticated planning, attention and the ability to see a situation from someone else’s perspective to effectively manipulate them.
But for some politicians, lying gets limited as they develop a sense of morality and the ability to self-regulate. These leaders are less likely to make false promises, lie when they have moral reminders or when they think they are being closely and critically watched.
Also Read: We’re drifting back to dark days – Dr. M’membe.
We, as a society, need to understand that when we don’t punish leaders for telling lies repeatedly, for promising us heaven when they know very well they can’t even deliver purgatory, we increase the probability they will lie, make false promises again.
When leaders face no consequences for dishonesty, their falsehoods tend to get even more sensational.
Was it nine (9) or thirteen (13) police officers that were guarding the residence of the former President Edgar Lungu? What is the truth? Who is lying and who is telling the truth?
If we continue to give leaders multiple opportunities to lie for their own benefit they start with little lies and get bigger and bigger over time.
They would rather win with lies, false promises than lose with their truth.
About The Author: Dr. M’membe is the president of the Socialist party. He is a revolutionary, journalist, accountant, lawyer, economist, and advocate of the High Court and Supreme Court of Zambia.
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