Since chibwabwa is a rich source of calcium, it is a popular choice for lactating mothers. It maintains the calcium levels to normal, helping in lactating properly.
By Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.
Lusaka, June 24 – I promised you I would find time to discuss this nutritious traditional vegetable as part of my series of posts on a healthy eating lifestyle.
The purpose of these posts is to create a generation of Zambians who will understand why diet is vital to remaining healthy. Some of the health issues we are experiencing today can be avoided just by keeping an eagle eye over what we eat.
It is scientifically proven that chibwabwa contains a lot of vitamins and minerals in it.
Moreover, these leaves are used by almost every Zambian so they make a very wonderful topic today because most of you are unaware of their nutritional value.
◾Anti-aging: Due to the presence of anti-oxidants in abundance, these leaves are known to slow down the aging process. So, if you want to look younger, start consuming this relish and experience your beauty again! But I know what the late Dr. Manda would have said about them; they are known to cure any testicular damage and also increase the spermatogenesis. This helps in increasing fertility and is a good news for people suffering from infertility!
◾Diabetes: Only a diabetic person knows how painful it is to have diabetes. Chibwabwa is known to have the hypoglycaemic effect which helps in reducing sugar levels in the blood, thus keeping diabetes under control.
◾Cancer: Studies show that there is a direct relation between the intake of fibre and risk of cancer. This is because foods containing high amount of fibre are also rich in vitamins and minerals, all of which are required for preventing cancer. So, it is recommended that you have this relish on a daily basis if you can. Those who can afford, try to blend and make soup as well.
◾Immunity: Since Chibwabwa helps in increasing haemoglobin in blood and keeping our bones strong, it increases our immunity. This decreases the risk of getting affected by diseases, thereby keeping us healthy. As it possesses anti-bacterial properties, consumption of this relish on a regular basis will keep you away from bacterial infections that are very irritating to have. Besides, chibwabwa is a rich source of iron, which helps in increasing oxygen content in blood and lungs, thereby increasing the haemoglobin in the blood. It is also rich in folate, which is very essential for the production of red blood cells. As red blood cells and haemoglobin increase, the disorder named anaemia vanishes.
Also Read: Kalembula is not food for the poor! – Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.
◾Breastfeeding: Since chibwabwa is a rich source of calcium, it is a popular choice for lactating mothers. It maintains the calcium levels to normal, helping in lactating properly. And keeping in mind the amount of protein it contains, it can be used for fulfilling your daily requirements of protein. This will keep you strong and healthy.
Chibwabwa is not a meal for the poor but for those who mind what they eat because we are what we eat. Chibwabwa has Potassium, Calcium, Folic acid, Iron, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Thiamine, Niacin, Dietary fibres, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Copper, Manganese and Proteins.
Given a chance, whenever I see an ambulance, I want to think there is a baby being born, rather than a near death patient. For me to achieve this, remember to share this post.
About The Author: Dr. Chilufya, a PF presidential candidate, is a public health physician, Mansa Central Member of Parliament and former Minister of Health who led a transformational agenda of the national health system, focused on creating a resilient health approach to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
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Wow interesting article God bless you sir.
Remember to follow the Health Column to see his future articles.