
About Us


…it is our job to seek the truth and put constant pressure on our leaders until we get answers.

Woodpecker’s Digest was founded in 2022, and has been operating as an online media house, providing unmatched articles on political analyses and commentaries to the public ever since.

Freedom is our core value. We feel a special obligation to defend civil liberties and human rights. Because newspapers and other news media, uniquely among businesses, enjoy and rely on a provision of the Bill of Rights that protects press freedom, we assume an obligation to defend the rights of all Zambians.

We value the spirit of patriotism and Pan-Africanism, and as such our allegiance is first to country and the ordinary child in rural Zambia before anything else.

Vision: As an online media house, our vision is to be the information hub for the general public in the area of governance and national activities surrounding our various social economic development challenges.

Mission: Our mission is to be the leading provider of news analyses and commentaries on governance issues and policies that seek to address the various social economic development challenges we are faced with as a nation.

Services: While journalism is at the heart of what we do, our goal is to be resourceful by providing information that the decisions of the general public must be premised on to help people find solutions in their daily lives and business dealings. We will sustain our presence through your commercial advertising.

©2022 Woodpecker’s Digest Inc.
Putting news into perspective