PF presidential aspirant, Amb. Mwamba, has filed a complaint against police officers that brutally assaulted him during...
WD Exclusive
“Weah is the only national team entry on this list! Numbers always change at international level, so...
“The reason why Xi got very upset, in terms of when I shot that balloon down full...
Let’s sort out the wars in Congo, Sudan, and Ethiopia which have been raging for years among...
“It is the responsibility of every Zambian citizen to resist and reject the violence and brutality that...
“The war cannot go on forever. All wars have to be settled and come to an end...
South Africa and Uganda are seen as leaning towards Russia, while Zambia and Comoros are closer to...
“In a civilised world, the police understand that a man does not have to feel less than...
◾Zambia cancels a building contract for a 2,400-megawatt power station on the Zambezi River due to high...
One wonders whether Finance Minister, Hon. Dr. Musokotwane, took leave to avoid embarrassment trying to defend the...