“The United States government recognizes only two genders: male and female, assigned at birth.” – Former President...
Edgar Chagwa Lungu
I had a wonderful breakfast ‘throwback’ this morning with H.E. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, the President of the...
Whilst President Lungu claims that the alliance formation is not about him and that anyone from the...
Truth will never shine from a heart filled with corruption and lies. Zambians, however, are now politically...
The country faces challenges that require an immediate alternative plan through an opposition alliance: ▪️shrinking democratic space,...
For Mr. Hichilema, all former government officials and other opposition leaders are guilty until proven innocent while...
The impeachment motion against the Speaker, Nelly Mutti borders on the importance of upholding democratic principles, transparency,...
Mr. Lungu is supposed to be a figure of honour and Statesmanship who should have kept away...
No sensible person can sit on one’s laurels and watch, without a fight, the country that gave...
Reflecting on the ECL trip to Ndola. The cries for the return of the former President, despite...